
German-Polish Church War: Bätzing Attacks Gądecki

Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing has written aggressive complaints against presiding Polish Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki.

Rp.pl calls Bätzig’s November 21 letter "vitriolic." Gądecki criticised the German bishops for trying to abolish Catholic morality on homosexuality in the name of "[pseudo-]scientific findings". He argued that, once before in Germany, racial policies were justified in the name of "scientific findings".

Bätzing now cries about Gądecki’s “unbrotherly behaviour” and an “enormous overstepping" of his powers.

He accuses him of making [allegedly] “false” claims about the German Synod in a letter to Francis, which he describes as “extremely unacceptable and un-Catholic.”

Furthermore, Bätzing attacks Gądecki for an [alleged] “distant attitude” towards [currently decadent] parliamentary democracy - while both Gądecki and Bätzing are very much in line with their respective governments.

The Polish bishops fear that the decline of the Church in Germany will eventually spread to Poland.


Tony M
The next letter from Abp Gadecki to Bergoglio needs to be one complaining about the scandalous behaviour of the heretic on the Chair of Peter!!!!
Here comes a real challenge: Robespierre vs. Danton ;)
All good jacobins, girondins and sansculottes have held their breath.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Cheers and prayers for Archbishop Gadecki, all the opposite for Batzing and company.
Dr Bobus
I find it hard to keep from thinking that Bätzing is German for bat sh!t crazy.
It’s certainly how it should be translated during these mad times. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
U S Spacy
GTV, I love your site and I normally dislike your cartoons but this one is so funny!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Cry harder, Bätzing.