
Revenge Francis Takes Action Against Cardinal Burke

"Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his apartment and his salary", Francis is reported to have said during the meeting with the heads of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia on 20 November (LaNuovaBQ.it, November 27).

This information was later confirmed by other sources. Burke is currently in the United States.

According to LaNuovaBQ.it, Cardinal Burke has become a “real obsession” for Francis.

“The end of this pontificate increasingly resembles a South American dictatorship” – concludes LaNuovaBQ.it.


Ja natuurlijk is Kardinaal Burke een vijand van iedereen die niet gelooft , dus ook van paus Franciscus.
This from the head of my Church! It is a slap in the face to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who said "Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you." Christ Himself offered a beautiful model of forgiveness when he forgave them that crucified Him. Jesus have mercy on us, and on your Bride, the Church.
We can use “scant” Church resources provided by the Faithful to feed, clothe and house transvestite prostitutes, and even pay for their medical care and services, but we will deny those same resources to holy Princes of the Church who stand for righteousness and against iniquity. Those we kick out of their dwelling and cut off their income.
Live Mike
The removal of Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres was a trial balloon to measure negative reaction from among the hierarchy. But there were no howls of outrage from a united front of the Catholic prelates denouncing the injustice. Their inaction and noteworthy silence only served to encourage further tyrannical abuse of power in the removal of Bishop Joseph Edward Strickland and yet they still remained …More
The removal of Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres was a trial balloon to measure negative reaction from among the hierarchy. But there were no howls of outrage from a united front of the Catholic prelates denouncing the injustice. Their inaction and noteworthy silence only served to encourage further tyrannical abuse of power in the removal of Bishop Joseph Edward Strickland and yet they still remained silent. Now this latest slap in the face to Cardinal Burke.
But Ann Barnhardt has rightly pointed out, Cardinal Burke could END the Bergoglian Antipapacy today. Easily. And he could have and should have done this EVERY DAY for the past decade. Here is all he need say: Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by (the late) Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, I (we) hereby declare a state of emergency suspense.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read that this punitive and cruel/vindictive action of Pope Francis is not going over well at all, in Italy. Brace yourself, Bergoglio for the outrage!
What can they do?
Live Mike
@alexamarie I'm glad you asked. This...!
Thank you Live Mike!
P. O'B
Hey Francis, I'm your enemy, too.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Me too!
Tony M
And Jorge is the anti-papal enemy of the True Catholic Church of 2000 years.
Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik-Pachamama: not holy, not my father. 👎
Wilma Lopez shares this
"Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his flat and salary," Pope Francis Reportedly Tells Heads of Dicasteries
Sounds like the Mafia....
Everyday for Life Canada
We now know the true meaning of "pastoral accompaniment" under the present pontificate: agree with me or get cancelled.
Sandy Barrett shares this
'Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his flat and salary' Numerous sources are reporting that Pope Francis said these words about Cardinal Burke recently
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"'Cardinal Burke is my enemy, so I am taking away his flat and salary' Numerous sources are reporting that Pope Francis said these words about Cardinal Burke recently"
No wonder why Pope Francis is such an unpopular Pope.
Katrin Kaufmann
"Away with Cardinal Burke's house and salary".
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis certainly know how to make enemies of faithful Catholics, people in the Curia, and Cardinals.
Francis is dying slowly. He persecutes and deprives of income and housing one of the greatest CArdinals in the Church who is greatly loved, and highly respected. What a slimeball Franis is, to do this to Caridnal Burke.
Francis at the moment is seriously ill. I for one, do not wish him a "speedy …More
Francis certainly know how to make enemies of faithful Catholics, people in the Curia, and Cardinals.
Francis is dying slowly. He persecutes and deprives of income and housing one of the greatest CArdinals in the Church who is greatly loved, and highly respected. What a slimeball Franis is, to do this to Caridnal Burke.
Francis at the moment is seriously ill. I for one, do not wish him a "speedy recovery" so he can continue with like minded actions. It would be ironic, if Francis suddenly died, and in the conclave, Burke, who probably will go into the conclave with alot of sympathy from fellow cardinals, comes out not dressed in red, but in the white of the new Pope..
That would be great.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I 100% support to your great opinion....Kenjiro.....but I heard Bergoglio's health is not so bad...be cause he will visit to Dubia...will visit to fake Climate meeting...this crazy Old man saying...if we don't have actions...10 years...Earth is gone...jajajaja....this crazy Old man using to Al Gore's Lies again....so disgusting!!! I think Bergoglio visit to dubai..it's means …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I 100% support to your great opinion....Kenjiro.....but I heard Bergoglio's health is not so bad...be cause he will visit to Dubia...will visit to fake Climate meeting...this crazy Old man saying...if we don't have actions...10 years...Earth is gone...jajajaja....this crazy Old man using to Al Gore's Lies again....so disgusting!!! I think Bergoglio visit to dubai..it's means he is no problems..this man will saying about so many Globalist's Agenda....make me so angry....one more tell!!! I can't pray for Pope Francis's recovery!!! his repentance....this actions is so stupid actions!!!!! you said...this looks like pray for Lucifer!!! Devil's leader!!! if Lucifer sees to pray for Lucifer...I am sure!! he laughing a lot!!!!! same to Bergoglio and Bergoglian....they laughing a lot to see to Papalotrists groups!!!! be cause they are support to Lucifer!!! I am sure...so many stupid Papalotrists are destroying to our Holy Church....like LifeSiteNews, Church Militant, National Catholic Register, Remanant news...ah...so many Orthodox Catholic Media are Papalotrists...be cause they don't saying about Crazy Old Man Jorge Bergoglio's Abdication! hmm....so terrible.....so much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too..Kenjiro....if, if Lord dose not send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time...we are must going to Underground Church....always pray for we will get to Orthodox Pope..fast time...but not sure...Bergoglio made so many wrong man to Cardinals...so much hard now...hmm..if, if Lord send us Eminence Cardinal Burke to Pope...ah....so great!!! or Eminence Cardinal Muller, Eminence Cardinal Eijk, Eminence Cardinal Erdo is great too....even though not them....just really hope we will get to real Pope, Orthodox Pope....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!.
Paul F
The counterfeit church will fail.
Dr Bobus
Francis seems to be doing his Caligula impression.
A big thank you to the St Gallen Mafia for pushing a head case on the Throne of PeterMore
Francis seems to be doing his Caligula impression.

A big thank you to the St Gallen Mafia for pushing a head case on the Throne of Peter
Wilma Lopez
Could you explain what you mean by Caligula impression?
May all of Heaven come quickly to the aide of this great and mighty Prince of the Church, who is guilty of nothing other than the promulgation of the Gospel and the courageous, undaunted defense of the Faith. And may it please the Lord to assign Flights of Angels as guardians of His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, Christ’s devoted Servant and faithful Shepherd, protecting, sustaining, strengthening and …More
May all of Heaven come quickly to the aide of this great and mighty Prince of the Church, who is guilty of nothing other than the promulgation of the Gospel and the courageous, undaunted defense of the Faith. And may it please the Lord to assign Flights of Angels as guardians of His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, Christ’s devoted Servant and faithful Shepherd, protecting, sustaining, strengthening and succoring him during this time of trial and trouble, and grant him the glory of overwhelming and irresistible, irrepressible, irrefutable VICTORY and cause him to triumph over all who seek his hurt, a triumphant victory like unto that which was unleashed at Lepanto, where the invincible power of Heaven’s Hosts crushed the infidels and heathens, that as he seeks recourse to the Blessed Mother, he may, like Pope Saint Pius V, rejoice in the days to come, basking in the embrace of jubilation as those who, blinded by the dark of a long and uncertain night, arise with joy unspeakable and full of glory at the blazing light that shines and dispels the darkness with the ascendance of the morning sun.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope Pope Francis has just made a TON of enemies in the Sacred College of Cardinals, among bishops, and in the Curia for this unjust and demented act against one of the greatest Cardinals we have in the Church...........God Bless Cardinal Burke.............the opposite to Pope Francis.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Don’t be foolish nor deceived, it is not the earthly “enemies” of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Bishops and the Vatican Curia about whom the Holy Father should most be worried. It is the enmity of Heaven itself that should concern him and that he should seek to avoid. The “enemies” whom he incurs among the groups you mentioned have no power whatsoever over the Supreme …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Don’t be foolish nor deceived, it is not the earthly “enemies” of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Bishops and the Vatican Curia about whom the Holy Father should most be worried. It is the enmity of Heaven itself that should concern him and that he should seek to avoid. The “enemies” whom he incurs among the groups you mentioned have no power whatsoever over the Supreme Pontiff, nor do they control his destiny, temporal or eternal. But Heavenly “enemies” are another matter altogether, they are those whom he should fear to make. For who can stand against the Lord of Hosts and His Divine Armies?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@SonoftheChurch =You are right. Considering all the evil Pope Francis has done in his term as Pope, with this action against Cardinal Burke (and Bishop Strickland), among the worst, he really should fear for his immortal soul as he quickly approaches death. I'm only just 29 (8 days ago), but a very good priest I had in highschool told us in class often that we should go to Confession once a month,…More
@SonoftheChurch =You are right. Considering all the evil Pope Francis has done in his term as Pope, with this action against Cardinal Burke (and Bishop Strickland), among the worst, he really should fear for his immortal soul as he quickly approaches death. I'm only just 29 (8 days ago), but a very good priest I had in highschool told us in class often that we should go to Confession once a month, for we never know when we will meet the Lord. I've tried to keep to that good advice. He wasn't trying to instill fear in us, like some modern priests would say. But thank you for your comment. It's true, Francis should fear the reception he gets when he meets the Lord at death. I would like to think he worries about his soul, but by his actions, I do not think he does. That will be his mistake when the time comes swiftly upon him.
True Mass
God Bless Cardinal Burke
@True Mass His Eminence wears the Red of a Cardinal’s dignity, which I’m sure, he well knows is to signify his willingness to sacrifice even unto the shedding of his blood and the laying down of his life for the Faith. Thus, the loss of an “apartment” or a “salary” does not move him. He will be fine. He has many benefactors and a VAST network of supporters throughout the whole world who will …More
@True Mass His Eminence wears the Red of a Cardinal’s dignity, which I’m sure, he well knows is to signify his willingness to sacrifice even unto the shedding of his blood and the laying down of his life for the Faith. Thus, the loss of an “apartment” or a “salary” does not move him. He will be fine. He has many benefactors and a VAST network of supporters throughout the whole world who will see to his needs and ensure he goes lacking in nothing. Such a move as reported here, if it is carried out, will not end well for the Vatican. Cardinal Burke is beloved in Holy Mother Church and untold numbers of the Faithful around the entire globe will see this as an unmerited act of unjust persecution, a vengeful, spiteful, diabolical attack on another innocent, holy Priest. I pray it is not true but is a false report.