
"Canonical Sanctions" Against Burke

Francis announced last week, during a meeting with the heads of the Vatican dicasteries, that he was planning "measures of an economic nature" and "canonical sanctions" against Cardinal Burke, a "senior …More
Francis announced last week, during a meeting with the heads of the Vatican dicasteries, that he was planning "measures of an economic nature" and "canonical sanctions" against Cardinal Burke, a "senior prelate" told Corriere.it (November 28) confirming previous news that Burke will be deprived of his home and salary.
The "senior prelate" is one of the cardinals who attended the meeting, apparently Tucho Fernández, who leaked the information on behalf of Francis in order to prepare the public for Francis' next abuse of power.
ApNews.com added that Francis called Burke at the meeting a source of “disunity” in the Church.
Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsIdohzipkny
Shame, shame opera369; your comments are not worthy of a Catholic.
William Paul Newman shares this
Simon North
As despicable as Bergoglio is, removing a Cardinal's salary and apartment privileges is NOT an abuse of power. A Pope has every right to do this. Tradservatives and Conservatives continue to deface the authority of the papal office. In opposing Bergoglio they are destroying the papacy.
Bergoglio is a heretic. If Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger had used their papal authority to root out the Modernists …More
As despicable as Bergoglio is, removing a Cardinal's salary and apartment privileges is NOT an abuse of power. A Pope has every right to do this. Tradservatives and Conservatives continue to deface the authority of the papal office. In opposing Bergoglio they are destroying the papacy.

Bergoglio is a heretic. If Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger had used their papal authority to root out the Modernists during their papacies, the Church would not be in Her present historical free-fall. They didn't do so because they deliberately and systematically were laying the ecclesiastical foundations for Bergoglio.

The Pope of the Restoration will require ALL the authoritative powers of the Office of St. Peter to root out and destroy the legacy of 60 years of unbridled destruction.
chris griffin
How much is his salary?
Simon North again you're confusing the usurper elected, while there existed another pope in Office, with popes. I agree that taking his salary and apartment isn't a tragedy. Thus can any man in the Petrine Office break the natural law ?
Simon North
Rafal: Wojtyla and Ratzinger were both elected. Both articulated heresies. Bergoglio, if he is a usurper, did so with the affirmation of his papal office by Ratzinger (on more than one occasion). But even if he was a usurper, how does that affect the point that I was making?
Denis Efimov
@chris griffin
Seems a little over 50,000 euros per year
Opera 369
Dear Cardinal Burke, the 'non-answer' that you and the few other Cardinals received responding to your "Dubia" of some years ago, should've opened your eyes as to who you were still calling 'pope': a non-Christian, anti-Catholic, anti-papacy, anti-doctrine, anti-Faith, anti-Church globalist, modernist, false-do-gooder old megalomaniac man dressed in white. And here you are, without your 'toys' that …More
Dear Cardinal Burke, the 'non-answer' that you and the few other Cardinals received responding to your "Dubia" of some years ago, should've opened your eyes as to who you were still calling 'pope': a non-Christian, anti-Catholic, anti-papacy, anti-doctrine, anti-Faith, anti-Church globalist, modernist, false-do-gooder old megalomaniac man dressed in white. And here you are, without your 'toys' that he took away from you, as he did with others who had the 'attributes' to contradict his orders. However, even now, you just cannot admit that he is NOT a pope! You go on saying that you don't like his 'ideas' (orders) but that you still have nothing against him...! What? Don't you realize that by stating such sentiments you are 'straying' your sheep? Or is it that you don't really care, at this point, where the... sheep goes? Piety is not something that should be offered to that man dressed in white... So please, instead of 'waiting for him to ..go away' as Bishop Schneider seems to hope, while he goes around criticizing the man dressed in white's heresies and pushing his own book....do the only right thing left to do: shout it out loud and clear, with no fear, that that old man dressed in white and entertaining himself with transvestites...IS NOT a pope in any miniscule sort of way.....Period!
Tony M
The silence of the bishops & cardinals of the Church in the face of the cancelling of Cardinal Burke & Bishop Strickland says so much. By their cancelling....Jorge has sent out a message to the hierarchy of the world. It seems they got the message!!! Amazing how a pathetic & frail old man of 85 years can have them them all so terrified!!! Thank the Lord for the great Archbishop Vigano for us to look …More
The silence of the bishops & cardinals of the Church in the face of the cancelling of Cardinal Burke & Bishop Strickland says so much. By their cancelling....Jorge has sent out a message to the hierarchy of the world. It seems they got the message!!! Amazing how a pathetic & frail old man of 85 years can have them them all so terrified!!! Thank the Lord for the great Archbishop Vigano for us to look to for guidance right now. May God continue to bless him profusely!!!
John A Cassani
At this point, Bishop Schneider must be wondering where his punishment is, right? It’s kind of a badge of honor now. I mean, the other bishops Bergoglio has sacked were men with jurisdiction over dioceses, but, Burke doesn’t have any jurisdiction. He’s in a very similar situation to Schneider, and it could be argued he has actually been less vocal.
John A Cassani "At this point, Bishop Schneider must be wondering where his punishment is, right?"
Don't expect any consequences for now after publicly declaring his affection of love towards "pope Francis"... during recent interview with M. Matt...
John A Cassani
@Rafał_Ovile That is kind of what I was getting at.
Jan Joseph
De Rooms Katholieke kerk die gelovigen vervolgd om hun geloof, overtreedt alle democratische Europese wetten voor de vrijheid van Godsdienst. De regeringen van de Europese landen moet het staatshoofd van de dwergstaat het Vaticaan tot orde roepen en de diplomatie verbanden moeten verbreken.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Lord, please bring Pope Francis to his just reward.
English Catholic
What happened to this 'mercy, mercy, mercy' we used to get endlessly lectured about by Francis? Fr James Martin SJ is a source of HUGE disunity. Why no sanctions against him?
Tony M
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the source of 'HUGE disunity'.
He is the source of disunity because of so much scandalising of Faithful Catholics with his heresies, giving the greenlight for sacrilegious communion, blasphemies, idol (Pachamama) worshipping. Jorge is the opposite of the good Popes of history......the word for him is 'anti-pope'. By the way, it would be fantasy to think he suddenly became …More
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the source of 'HUGE disunity'.
He is the source of disunity because of so much scandalising of Faithful Catholics with his heresies, giving the greenlight for sacrilegious communion, blasphemies, idol (Pachamama) worshipping. Jorge is the opposite of the good Popes of history......the word for him is 'anti-pope'. By the way, it would be fantasy to think he suddenly became a heretic the day he was 'supposedly elected'. He was a heretic long before that point.
See RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)
How could it have been that God accepted the election of a heretic to the papacy???
It could not have been!!!!

Pope Paul IV, Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, Feb. 15, 1559
In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:-] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;

Is it that they are all running scared of being cancelled by the heretic himself??? I hope & pray not!!! Time for the faithful hierarchy to man up, and investigate the validity/invalidity of Jorge's election with an imperfect council. There is no moral impediment to doing an investigation.
So please bring it on good & faithful Cardinals!!!!!!
Tony M "How could it have been that God accepted the election of a heretic to the papacy???"... such irrational question implies God being involved in scandals. God has nothing whatsoever to do with the usurper and occupant impeding the See... Neither with sins of any pope before. Ask Cardinals why they were embolded to elect someone after pope BXVI was attacked , removed and still dressed as pope …More
Tony M "How could it have been that God accepted the election of a heretic to the papacy???"... such irrational question implies God being involved in scandals. God has nothing whatsoever to do with the usurper and occupant impeding the See... Neither with sins of any pope before. Ask Cardinals why they were embolded to elect someone after pope BXVI was attacked , removed and still dressed as pope in Vatican... They're the ones responsible...
Tony M
@Rafał_Ovile My point is that God could not possibly have ....and did not....accept the election.....therefore he was not validly elected!!! I am surprised you did not understand that in the context of all I wrote in that comment I wrote.
Tony M I understand your following sentence negates the positive answer... Nevertheless please remember God never accepts or rejects popes what your question explicitly implicates... It is the Cardinals who choose the pope after their discernement based on inspiration by the Holy Spirit (God)... Thus their following votes are based on their personal decisions...
In accordance with the above reality …More
Tony M I understand your following sentence negates the positive answer... Nevertheless please remember God never accepts or rejects popes what your question explicitly implicates... It is the Cardinals who choose the pope after their discernement based on inspiration by the Holy Spirit (God)... Thus their following votes are based on their personal decisions...
In accordance with the above reality the question should have been "How could it have been that God accepted Cardinals the election of elected a heretic to the papacy???
Of course the rest of your comment is consistent...
True Mass
How long will we continue to go along with this sham. When will good faithful elect stand for Mother Church? It's laughable. Oh he's Pope he's Pope blah blah blah. Maybe the faithful elect are part of the problem.
Sally Dorman
Fomenting more disunity in the Church than the Germans?
Wilma Lopez
Even Colm Flynn wrote: "This is seen as a dramatic move by Pope Francis, especially so soon after he removed conservative bishop Joseph Strickland of Texas just two weeks ago. Both have been critical of certain aspects of Pope Francis' pontificate. Now many Catholics, especially in the US, are pointing to the fact that Pope Francis calls for dialogue and discussion, but yet takes such drastic measures …More
Even Colm Flynn wrote: "This is seen as a dramatic move by Pope Francis, especially so soon after he removed conservative bishop Joseph Strickland of Texas just two weeks ago. Both have been critical of certain aspects of Pope Francis' pontificate. Now many Catholics, especially in the US, are pointing to the fact that Pope Francis calls for dialogue and discussion, but yet takes such drastic measures against those who disagree with aspects of his leadership and teachings."
Clearly, we are at the place now where there can no longer be any doubt: This means an all-out war against conservative, orthodox, faithful American Prelates, and in a larger sense, the entire American Church, as the Vatican currently sees and perceives it. May God help us, and may Heaven fight on our behalf.
Katrin Kaufmann
"Francis told a meeting of the heads of Vatican offices last week that he was moving against Burke because he was a source of “disunity” in the church, said one of the participants at the Nov. 20 meeting."
De Profundis
Raymond Arroyo: "I had resisted posting early reports of this story, because I thought they couldn’t possibly be true. We have reached a new level of Papal vindictiveness. Pope punishes leading critic Cardinal Burke in second action against conservative American prelates"
chris griffin
I feel like Raymond Arroyo... at first I could not believe this was true because it was so outrageous.
Darice Henriques
Matthew 24: 46 Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come he shall find so doing. 47 Amen I say to you, he shall place him over all his goods. 48 But if that evil servant shall say in his heart: My lord is long a coming: 49 And shall begin to strike his fellow servants, and shall eat and drink with drunkards: 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day that he hopeth not, and at an …More
Matthew 24: 46 Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come he shall find so doing. 47 Amen I say to you, he shall place him over all his goods. 48 But if that evil servant shall say in his heart: My lord is long a coming: 49 And shall begin to strike his fellow servants, and shall eat and drink with drunkards: 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day that he hopeth not, and at an hour that he knoweth not: