Roots of Bergoglio's Apostasy

Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires Precisely because of Bergoglio's previous heresy and apostasy, this enemy of God and the Church was already disqualified from being Pope …More
Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires
Precisely because of Bergoglio's previous heresy and apostasy, this enemy of God and the Church was already disqualified from being Pope, as the Magisterium of the Church infallibly teaches.
In 2010, Argentine professor Antonio Caponnetto published a book titled The Church Betrayed. In it, he revealed to readers about the betrayal of the apostate Jorge Bergoglio.
Henry Sire, author of The Dictator Pope (2018), gave a talk on Francis in London on 24 November (, 11 December). Main points.
- As early as 2013, reports from the Vatican showed that Francis was different from his media image: arrogant, dismissive of people, prone to foul language and temper tantrums.
- Public relations expert Omar Bello worked with Cardinal Bergoglio for years. Bello described him as skilled in the covert exercise of power and the manipulation of people.
- While still in Buenos Aires, Bergoglio ordered the dismissal of Felix Botazzi …More
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk, paus Franciscus is door een staatsgreep aan de macht gekomen.