No Mass! Vatican Treats Melbourne Archbishop "Like a Flunky"

During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in …More
During a visit to the Vatican on 24 January, Monsignor Peter Andrew Comensoli, 60, Archbishop of Melbourne, asked the Dicastery for the Liturgy for a "dispensation" to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass in three churches: St Michael, St Philip and the Cathedral St Patrick.
A day later he received the answer: Niet! The Vatican issued a decree forbidding the Mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Arthur Roche "allowed" it only for two years and only in the churches of St Michael and St Philip. The decree was signed by his secretary, Archbishop Vittorio Viola (pictured).
According to the Vatican, over the next two years, the faithful are to be led into the [decadent] Novus Ordo from which they have all been fleeing for decades.
Archbishop Viola writes: "While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are nonetheless constrained [by whom?] to deny this request. It is now opportune [!] that the direction given by the …More
Alex A
@Sean Johnson> I don't see the SSPX 'drifting' into the modern mass no matter the mindset of the 'resistance'. No doubt that is the 'wish' of Williamson's followers, after all, they desperately look for validation.
Sean Johnson
@Alex- I agree with you that the SSPX was sunk the minute it departed from Lefebvre.
@Sean Johnson what you say is true. We can see it happening at our chapel. It is unfolding before our eyes. We were abandoned by the church during V2 and soon to be abandoned by the SSPX. The younger look and listen as if in awe. Us old timers shake our heads and wonder what happened.
Sean Johnson
Precisely my experience, except that I notice many old-timers have battle fatigue (one told me they weren’t going with the Resistance because they were too old to go back to hotel, basement, and garage Masses. In other words, worldliness has set in).
Alex A
Sean, I'm an old timer and I can assure you, my wife and I have no inkling to abandon the 'The Faith of Our Fathers', We married a few months before the close of Vatican 2, that's a considerable span of time ago, and we have witnessed and lived through in England, Ireland and Australia, the associated trauma manifested on Catholics, Yet here we are, still, albeit in a less physical capacity, fighting …More
Sean, I'm an old timer and I can assure you, my wife and I have no inkling to abandon the 'The Faith of Our Fathers', We married a few months before the close of Vatican 2, that's a considerable span of time ago, and we have witnessed and lived through in England, Ireland and Australia, the associated trauma manifested on Catholics, Yet here we are, still, albeit in a less physical capacity, fighting the good fight and will continue to do so until our last breaths. Don't write us oldies off too quickly. Lastly, we have never been convinced an 'existential threat' on the SSPX existed, which required the setting up of a counter resistance movement.
Sean Johnson
Alex- All good except your last sentence. Lefebvre believed an accord with unconverted Rome was precisely the threat you say you cannot see (and that is precisely what Fellay agreed to with BXVI). Pagliarani has backtracked on nothing Fellayvarranged, and appears in a holding pattern until another conservative pope takes the throne, when the deal will be easier to sell to sspxers again.
Carol H
Sean Johnson: His Grave Archbishop Lefebvre signed an accord with Rome. Yes, he was forced to renege on it, but he did sign it. In fact Lefebvre tried his very best to work with Rome. As for Fr. Pagliarani, you are making assumptions - playing the fear card as always. And why? So the faithful will back into the Resistance like a mouse-trap? Do you get commission for this? Your little Resistance "…More
Sean Johnson: His Grave Archbishop Lefebvre signed an accord with Rome. Yes, he was forced to renege on it, but he did sign it. In fact Lefebvre tried his very best to work with Rome. As for Fr. Pagliarani, you are making assumptions - playing the fear card as always. And why? So the faithful will back into the Resistance like a mouse-trap? Do you get commission for this? Your little Resistance "bunker" near destroyed our parish and traumatized our children. Your General sent a pedophile to a family of young boys and then defended his actions with the words "he may be flawed but his doctrine is sound". Another Resistance priest interrupted adoration so that the faithful could sing a "te deum" for their new "bishop". Another Resistance priest defended bad films being shown to minors. Another resistant priest turned a blind eye to homosexuals being accepted into the seminary. Another resistant priest defended worldly books such as 1984 to be read by 16 year olds. Another resistant priest mocked nuns. I have witnessed most of this. Your little "safe " place that you persistently campaign for is actually not very safe...and yet you would have us all desert the SSPX because of your ....assumptions...
Sean Johnson
Lefebvre said the deal he signed would have sunk the SSPX, and after he realized the Romans were negotiating in bad faith, he ceased attempting practical arrangements, and kept the conversation at the doctrinal level, refusing any accord until Rome returned to Tradition.
As for me making assumptions, hardly. I wrote a 400 page book filled with examples of compromises and contradictions …More

Lefebvre said the deal he signed would have sunk the SSPX, and after he realized the Romans were negotiating in bad faith, he ceased attempting practical arrangements, and kept the conversation at the doctrinal level, refusing any accord until Rome returned to Tradition.

As for me making assumptions, hardly. I wrote a 400 page book filled with examples of compromises and contradictions compared to former SSPX positions, most of which was supported by citations from the SSPX’s own websites.

As regards queers and pedophiles in the Resistance (and by Resistance I only include those aligned to the bishops), someone shilling for the SSPX ought to be the last one casting stones, given the glass house you’re living in.

Williamson will have to answer for Abraham if anything ever happens there, and I’d not be going to his venues. Not sure who else you might be referencing with your unsupported litany of anonymous violators, but even if there were thousands of pedos and queers in the Resistance, it still wouldn’t change the fact that the SSPX is captured, infiltrated, and sunk (and betrayed by those who should have defended it).
Carol H
Sean, my two main points were: (1) Bishop Fellay only did what Archbishop Lefebvre tried to do. Under Benedict they thought the time was more favourable to give it another go. It turned out not to be the case. At least though the spirit of wanting to work with the Church is there. That is a good thing. That is a Catholic thing. (2) You want the faithful to step out of the alleged frying pan into …More
Sean, my two main points were: (1) Bishop Fellay only did what Archbishop Lefebvre tried to do. Under Benedict they thought the time was more favourable to give it another go. It turned out not to be the case. At least though the spirit of wanting to work with the Church is there. That is a good thing. That is a Catholic thing. (2) You want the faithful to step out of the alleged frying pan into the fire so to speak. You harp on and on at how the SSPX is betraying Archbishop Lefebvre's legacy and then in the same breath encourage all the faithful to leave their traditional parishes and their traditional schools for a fringe group who can offer them nothing but the cultivation of "we will not serve" against the Papacy (like the early Protestants) and clergy who, for all their talk of "holding the line" are as liberal in their thinking and actions as our conciliar priests and bishops.
Yes, there is a serious element of that within the SSPX hierarchy (and they need to be made accountable), but leaving the Society - and all the structure it offers for our children - for an unstructured and more concentrated version of that same problem is NOT the answer. You have been played. You clearly take your faith very seriously and are willing to speak out against injustices and errors when you see them. And I applaud that. But you are exactly the type that the Resistance was set up to capture. Someone in the SSPX wanted all the militant types out. And Bishop Williamson worked perfectly as the Pied Piper.
Sean Johnson
…just as the SSPX is being lead by stages into the conciliar church, which it formerly had been fleeing for decades.
And to further facilitate and augment that absorption, priests ordained within the conciliar church’s new rites now proliferate. The faithful have only to accept or get out.
A master plan by Rome, really (Recall, +Huonder arrived at the request of Francis to further facilitate the …More
…just as the SSPX is being lead by stages into the conciliar church, which it formerly had been fleeing for decades.

And to further facilitate and augment that absorption, priests ordained within the conciliar church’s new rites now proliferate. The faithful have only to accept or get out.

A master plan by Rome, really (Recall, +Huonder arrived at the request of Francis to further facilitate the SSPX’s assimilation process, first saying he was there simply to retire in peace, but ended by consecrating holy oils) to shake out all those old Lefebvrists still opposing the novel council and its new theology.

Day by day, the SSPX is transformed into that which it used to oppose.
Mary K Jones
Sean, many of us who have been helped by the SSPX for decades are, as you might guess, adults. Do you think that your random 'facts' will make a difference for your average attendee? And if the SSPX priests did all, abruptly, go 'N.O.', I for one would not be heading to a resistance group. Why not slow down your prognostication and let people use their own minds and souls to discern their choices.
Sean Johnson
Hi Mary-
I simply present the facts to reveal the ongoing deception. What you do with them is up to you.More
Hi Mary-

I simply present the facts to reveal the ongoing deception. What you do with them is up to you.
Alex A
Sean, You miss the point that Mary and myself have made, there is no plan B for those loyal to the SSPX. The so-called 'Resistance' leads to what? What's the end game? Williamson is not in negotiation with Rome. You are not recognised as representing anyone within the structure of the Roman Catholic Church. So simply because a little die-hard band of rebels believe, (whatever it is, it believes)- …More
Sean, You miss the point that Mary and myself have made, there is no plan B for those loyal to the SSPX. The so-called 'Resistance' leads to what? What's the end game? Williamson is not in negotiation with Rome. You are not recognised as representing anyone within the structure of the Roman Catholic Church. So simply because a little die-hard band of rebels believe, (whatever it is, it believes)- Books have been written in an attempt to justify your position. Frankly, the situation reminds me of the conflict of Northern Ireland- nothing can be achieved, until both parties sit down and negotiate. Rome recognises the legitimacy of the SSPX. It does not recognise 'The Resistance', aka 'The Real IRA.' So. again, what is the END GAME of the resistance?
Sean Johnson
Thanks for the chuckle.
I think you are so confused there’s no real point in responding. Enjoy your stealthy ride into the conciliar church.
Alex A
Sean, Show me where I'm allegedly confused? Your chuckles can't mask the fact that you failed to answer the central question posed. What's the end game of the resistance? Further, who exactly are you trying to convince as to the rightness of your position? I get the impression the answer to that is, yourself! One cautionary note. Don't confuse my good self with Joseph Biden.
Sean Johnson
What was the end game of Lefebvre? Answer: To preserve the pilot light of Tradition until Rome returned to the Faith. That’s the end game of the Resistance. What’s the end game of the neo/sspx? To get canonical approval (which is killing it by absorbing it into conciliarism and injecting it with spiritual aids, compromising its immune system to modernism and I Fr ting it.
Alex A
Sean, Being in the 'wrecking ball' resistance, one has to have some sort of resemblance of a rationale, that's a given. However, from my viewpoint, any resistance rationale is a layer of argument that detracts from the fragility of Williamsons character. Personally, I had thought more highly of him, had he remained within the SSPX structure and argued his case in a more manly, and shepherd like …More
Sean, Being in the 'wrecking ball' resistance, one has to have some sort of resemblance of a rationale, that's a given. However, from my viewpoint, any resistance rationale is a layer of argument that detracts from the fragility of Williamsons character. Personally, I had thought more highly of him, had he remained within the SSPX structure and argued his case in a more manly, and shepherd like manner instead of 'heading for the hills.'