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[It is a tragedy that this text has to be explicitly described as "satire", because today there is nothing so crazy that it could not have come from the Vatican. The text refers to the statement made by Francis during the general audience on 24 January, when he said - no satire - that the actions of thieves "can become a salutary warning against avarice"...].

The Sacred Congregation of Rites, in a note published this afternoon by the Holy See Press Office, responds to the request for clarification made by the I.O.R. (Vatican Bank) after the Pope's allocution at Wednesday's General Audience. It clarifies that the same Sacred Congregation, in view of the Declaration "Fiducia supplicans", which prescribed the blessing of concubines, uranists and sodomites, is also studying a liturgical and non-liturgical form for the blessing of thieves, robbers, cut-throats, cattle rustlers, burglars and other villains in the exercise of their professional duties.

Source: Monsignor Eleuterio Favella (FaceBook)


la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio also violates the Commandment not to steal. He not only steals God's goods to use for anti-Catholic Marxist causes. But he has also admitted that he stole a crucifix from a deceased priest.
Fiducia Supplicans & Bank Robbery: Cognitive Dissonance in the Life of the ChurchMore
Bergoglio also violates the Commandment not to steal. He not only steals God's goods to use for anti-Catholic Marxist causes. But he has also admitted that he stole a crucifix from a deceased priest.

Fiducia Supplicans & Bank Robbery: Cognitive Dissonance in the Life of the Church
It’s a great idea…lovely, in fact. Because as everyone surely knows by now, with such a blessing the Priest doesn’t bless the actual bank robbery itself, he’s only blessing the group of bank robbers — including the getaway driver, the armed assailants and vault demolitions man — when they spontaneously show up together (as a “group”) with their tools, equipment, loot bags and arms and ask a …More
It’s a great idea…lovely, in fact. Because as everyone surely knows by now, with such a blessing the Priest doesn’t bless the actual bank robbery itself, he’s only blessing the group of bank robbers — including the getaway driver, the armed assailants and vault demolitions man — when they spontaneously show up together (as a “group”) with their tools, equipment, loot bags and arms and ask a Priest for a blessing before they go to rob a bank. And just like the unrepentant gays who come together as a “gay couple” requesting a blessing as a “gay couple” but it’s not their sinful unholy gay coupling that gets blessed, the same would logically hold true for blessing a group of unrepentant murderous thieves, it’s the criminal gang that gets the blessing, not their crime. Soooo….it would kinda be like what the Pope said about “spontaneous” blessings for gay couples: not the sodomy, just the sodomites, or in this case: not the armed robbery and killing, just the armed robbers and killers. 😐
Wilma Lopez
Francis praised thieves and robbers in this Audience of Jan 24: yes, what they do is wrong, but the actions of robbers can be a "salutary warning" against the "vice of avarice". Seriously…
Is it avarice when a retailer buys goods from a wholesaler and put them on display? 😬