Medjugorje Apparition - May 2, 2018 Rome Bishop attends Mirjana's May 2nd apparition. See exclusive video by Stella Mar Films. To learn more about their next film go to: igg.me/at/darknessmovie/More
Medjugorje Apparition - May 2, 2018

Rome Bishop attends Mirjana's May 2nd apparition. See exclusive video by Stella Mar Films. To learn more about their next film go to: igg.me/at/darknessmovie/
I was a little girl when I first saw the seers. I thought it was very odd that they would be wearing these heavy gold jewelry. I was bothered and thought to myself, "Doesn't Catholicism teach a love of poverty?"
Interesting that the authentic apparitions of Our Lady (Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, etc.) called for penance, penance, penance decrying how Our Lord is so much offended. Not a word of penance for the sins of oneself, the world, and sacrileges against His Divine Majesty here. Very telling.
One more comment from Pacocatolic
Utter, complete, total garbage is what Medjugorje is! These phonies should be ashamed of themselves. I haven't read the latest message but I bet it's about love and peace.
Academy award nominee Mirjana!!
@mattsixteen24 que la Santísima Virgen te bendiga, Te de luz y entendimiento, y abra tu corazón.
Tina 13
😇 🤗
@Tina 13 🤗 bendiciones querida
It's not real. It's a scam to make money. I saw a video on it where the one woman was supposedly in a trance. A guy jabbed his finger near her eye and she flinched. Fraud.
Tina 13
🙏 🙏 🙏