
Francis’ “Discernment” Means: "Allowing Sin"

To allow adulterers to receive Holy Communion is a tool for introducing divorce into the Church and for permitting sexual activities outside of marriage, Bishop Athanasius Schneider has explained.

Talking to lifesitenews (January 31), Schneider criticised that nice words like “discernment”, “pastoral accompaniment”, “change of paradigm” or “discovery of the subjective part of truth” which are frequently used in the present Church, mean nothing else than “allowing sin”.

Nevertheless, Schneider believes that a time will come when the pope and the bishops again will proclaim with all clarity the sanctity of marriage and of the Eucharist.

Picture: Athanasius Schneider, © Lawrence OP, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsUwvqblsbxs
God Bless Father Villa
You would do very well to study Father Villa magazines and books. Who Padre Pio had investigate the infiltration of freemansons in the church.
3 more comments from Josephmary
Lisi your dreaming no one at the vatican is sorry a prerequisite to holyness. Lucifer the god of the mansions the cura vatican rules lust for power is the name of the game lust greed envy is very much alive there and nothing will stop it because they are all brothers who worship the same god Lucifer
Do a search on kidnapping with the sspv in Cairo new york
There all bad the sspx the sspv and all the rest can't be trusted or believe. None are following the true catholic church dogmas today there all bad.
Lisi Sterndorfer
"God decides the time, and the time will come when the Pope and the episcopacy again will proclaim, with all clarity, unambiguity and beauty, the sanctity of marriage, and of the family, and of the Eucharist.”
Pope Francis is doing the exact same thing that Benedict 16 did in duplicity. They are following the same behavior as pius 10 and Leo 13 pretending to set up a Commission to oversee sexual abuse ( to pacify us) while in fact they do nothing nothing at all. With all 4 popes no one was excommunicated no one relieved of there office. It was all set up to make it look like they were going to do something …More
Pope Francis is doing the exact same thing that Benedict 16 did in duplicity. They are following the same behavior as pius 10 and Leo 13 pretending to set up a Commission to oversee sexual abuse ( to pacify us) while in fact they do nothing nothing at all. With all 4 popes no one was excommunicated no one relieved of there office. It was all set up to make it look like they were going to do something to FOOL THE PUBLIC when in reality they did nothing because freemanson brotherhood swear to defend each other and if caught mitigate it to no punishment for the crime at all. This is their oath. In public only they are priests and popes in private they are brother freemansons. The church is dead.
Go.petrus why do you think pius 12 could not stand john 23 and look at all the dating pictures of him and the book " the broken cross" makes him not only a freemanson but a heretic an apostate. Paul the 6 was murdered and a look alike replaced him who was also no good. John Paul 2 was no better. He did nothing on john paul 1 and has multiple times condemned himself in his own writings, in his books …More
Go.petrus why do you think pius 12 could not stand john 23 and look at all the dating pictures of him and the book " the broken cross" makes him not only a freemanson but a heretic an apostate. Paul the 6 was murdered and a look alike replaced him who was also no good. John Paul 2 was no better. He did nothing on john paul 1 and has multiple times condemned himself in his own writings, in his books encyclicals and letters. He to was a freemanson heretic and apostate. All of the popes were no good. You have to go back to Gregory 15 to brake free if these sinful men who practiced duplicity playing pope and freemanson at the same time. Pius the 10 and leo the 13 who just as bad BECAUSE THEY NEW THE CURA WAS FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH FREEMANSONS AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. All along following the Alva vendera agenda. May god strike them dead who sit in the chair of Peter now and all who can't wait to replace him.
We also have false Saints now with John 23rd and Paul VI and JP II. So this maybe beyond repair..?!
There is no holy communion !!! There is no ordained priests. And Because you all, of you, supported the desecration of the Holy sacrifice of the Alter in 1968 just after vatican 2, you now have nothing but Heretics apostates and Freemasons in the vatican and the church.
Secondly, you continue to supersede the true mass with this adulterers receiveing Communion. And as long as you place this above …More
There is no holy communion !!! There is no ordained priests. And Because you all, of you, supported the desecration of the Holy sacrifice of the Alter in 1968 just after vatican 2, you now have nothing but Heretics apostates and Freemasons in the vatican and the church.

Secondly, you continue to supersede the true mass with this adulterers receiveing Communion. And as long as you place this above restoring the true mass and the sacraments you will never win.

Third untill you get rid of all the freemansons and gays in the vatican which is all of them it will only get worse.

Fourth, because of your own sin of complicity supporting them financially and by not going on strike against the church till you bring them down to their knees you incur the Wrath of Almighty God. Nothing is more important than the traditional Latin mass of pius 10 nothing you have made the pope and all his group and issues by far more important this is a grave sin.