
Homosex Bishop: Protégé of Francis' King Maker Resigns At Last

Francis accepted on August 18 the resignation of the Modernist São José do Rio Preto Bishop Tomé Ferreira da Silva, 60, Brazil. A video emerged last Friday showing him half-naked masturbating during …More
Francis accepted on August 18 the resignation of the Modernist São José do Rio Preto Bishop Tomé Ferreira da Silva, 60, Brazil.
A video emerged last Friday showing him half-naked masturbating during a video call with another man.
Da Silva had been investigated by the Francis Vatican in 2015 for using diocesan funds to pay a homosexual lover, and in 2018 for exchanging WhatsApp messages of a sexual nature with an underage boy.
On both occasions the Vatican did nothing against the notorious homosexual who is a protégé of pro-gay Cardinal Hummes, Francis’ king maker in the conclave.
Hugh N. Cry
🎼Another one bites the dust.
The irony of quoting Queen lyrics under the circumstances. :D
But You Oh Lord How Long?
A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality.
But remember, trads are THE problem in the Church.
John A Cassani
Another Weakland. Wish I could be surprised.