
Canada: Archbishop Gives Communion to Pro-Death Prime Minister

Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal has defended giving Holy Communion to Canada’s notoriously pro-gay and pro-abortion Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday. The Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral …More
Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal has defended giving Holy Communion to Canada’s notoriously pro-gay and pro-abortion Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday. The Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral was broadcasted.
The archbishop called the sacrilege “a gesture of hope.” He told lifesitenews.com that there is a need to distinguish between “the person and the acts of the person.” It’s “going too far” if someone “feels to be rejected as a person”.
According to common sense the acts of a person are a part of that person.
GJA Taylor
Defended his actions how exactly. What foolish "prelates" we have.
you will burn in hell.