Chris Muniee

Are you sick of fake "prophecies," "identity conferences" and One Luther Five?

Well, I sure am, and I discuss all of that in Part 2 on the Catholic Prophecy Industrial Complex.
''No heresies, squishy doctrine, modernism''
This one is a double edge sword... in the bad sense.
A genuine prophet can correct a teaching or a practice of the Church.
Teachings and practices can be corrected.
Just look at the past, how many times a Pope corrected one or many previous Popes (torture is against God's Law according to Saint Nicholas the Great, then allowed according to Innocent IV,…More
''No heresies, squishy doctrine, modernism''

This one is a double edge sword... in the bad sense.
A genuine prophet can correct a teaching or a practice of the Church.

Teachings and practices can be corrected.

Just look at the past, how many times a Pope corrected one or many previous Popes (torture is against God's Law according to Saint Nicholas the Great, then allowed according to Innocent IV, then not allowed according to many Popes).
Especially true in today's day and age.