
Amazonian Wedding Shows Face Of Francis Church

Under the pretext of dressing the traditional costume of the Xukuru and Kapinawá tribes, a bride and groom showed up barefoot and half naked in front of the altar for their wedding in a church in Pesqueira, Brazil.

The nude pictures were published on Es.Aleteia.org. The groom covered his head with a raffia basket although he was inside a church.

It is emblematic for the Francis Church that it promotes any kind of "tradition" as long as it is not the Catholic one.

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Brazilian Government Voices Concerns With Upcoming Pan-Amazonian Synod

Government is worried Church synod could be hijacked by 'left-wing agenda'
Gesù è con noi
As one commentator points out that the sacrilegious pagan wedding bride breaks her pagan tradition by wearing false eyelashes. 🤨
Gesù è con noi
Aleteia calls this Sacrilegious pagan Amazonian wedding "indigenous wedding"
Who wears the pants? The priest? Priestess?
Pres Bolsonaro should arrest those V2 fag bishops when they gather for their pretended Synod. Dishonesty, Marxism and proclivity for homosexual predation seems to be a requirement for the friends of Francis, so to speak.