
Francis Will "Obfuscate Faith" – Bishop Schneider

Francis' October 2021 claim that a synodal Church “requires changing certain overly vertical, distorted and partial visions of the Church, the priestly ministry, the role of the laity, ecclesial …More
Francis' October 2021 claim that a synodal Church “requires changing certain overly vertical, distorted and partial visions of the Church, the priestly ministry, the role of the laity, ecclesial responsibilities, roles of governance and so forth,” insinuates a "substantial change" in the understanding of the Church, Bishop Schneider told CatholicFamilyNews.com (April 25).
This presupposes, Schneider analyses, that for 2,000 years the Church had a distorted and partial vision and arrives only with Francis and his Synod at a correct theological understanding. Schneider criticises the term “overly vertical” because “something is vertical or it is not vertical.”
He explains to Francis that God established the Church as a hierarchical body, "When the law of verticality is not observed in a body, i.e., if the command center of the brain is damaged or disregarded, then the body will suffer confusion and detriment." Discussing, chatting, and conducting opinions polls ("Synodality") are alien …More
"will ultimately obfuscate the Faith,” Schneider predicts. -and when his prediction proves false, he'll go right on predicting.
Joséphine Cyr
Ursula Sankt
Today is the Feast of St. Athanasius, Church Father, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church, chief defender of Orthodoxy against Arianism, who was called the "Pillar of the Church" by St. Gregory of Nazianzus. Ora pro nobis
Our Blessed Lord must be protecting Bishop Schneider. How has he remained outspoken and not silenced?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There isn't a TLM near me to attend. I would rather watch a TLM on Youtube, than go to my neighboring parish and sit thru a liberal NOVUS Ordo Mass where the priest in his sermon quotes "Our Holy Father, Francis". No thanks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Proof to me, and should be for everyone, that Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is a heretic, his associates and appointees are likewise heretics, his cardinals are heretics. The reason why he has not clamped down on German "church" is that like "Cardinal" Marx, Francis supports all the items of the German "synodal way" schema. Francis is a blatant heretic. He crushes the True Mass and traditional Catholics …More
Proof to me, and should be for everyone, that Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is a heretic, his associates and appointees are likewise heretics, his cardinals are heretics. The reason why he has not clamped down on German "church" is that like "Cardinal" Marx, Francis supports all the items of the German "synodal way" schema. Francis is a blatant heretic. He crushes the True Mass and traditional Catholics, yet allows for blessings of queers, and for the German Synod to proceed.
I wish he had something other that his "sore knee", and the Lord would remove this heretic and apostate false Pope before Christmas. With him gone, so to will all his appointees be gone.
"Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is a heretic, his associates and appointees are likewise heretics, his cardinals are heretics."
Not this again. At this point it's probably a waste to time explaining why that statement is wrong. Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity can't.More
"Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is a heretic, his associates and appointees are likewise heretics, his cardinals are heretics."

Not this again. At this point it's probably a waste to time explaining why that statement is wrong. Ignorance can be fixed, stupidity can't.
One more comment - this so-called "synodal Church" being pushed by Bergoglio is a direct attempt to destroy the Catholic Church - and bury the Catholic Faith - it is demonstrative of what is really contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima. Namely, that "the Great Apostasy begins at the top!" Let us pray the daily Rosary fervently during this month of May - asking Our Lady to crush the evil being …More
One more comment - this so-called "synodal Church" being pushed by Bergoglio is a direct attempt to destroy the Catholic Church - and bury the Catholic Faith - it is demonstrative of what is really contained in the 3rd Secret of Fatima. Namely, that "the Great Apostasy begins at the top!" Let us pray the daily Rosary fervently during this month of May - asking Our Lady to crush the evil being perpetrated upon the Church through Bergoglio and his comrades.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us Bishop Schneider in these times! He is a true shepherd formed in Your image, O Lord, the Good Shepherd!
Each time I phoned my mother, even after I became a bishop, her last words to me were these: “You remain faithful to Jesus. Everything else is unimportant!” Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Alex A
Wise mother!