
US Archbishop: It Is All About Moral Nature Of Homosexual Acts

Francis’ scribble on homosexual blessings is “a doubleminded exercise” in simultaneously affirming and undercutting Catholic teaching. So writes US Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput, 79, on FirstThings.com (22 December).
He notes that the Vatican has begun to call a sinful relationship “irregular”. This neuters the reality of morally defective behavior and leads to confusion about what we call “sin.”

Chaput argues that marriage is not the point of Francis’ scribble, “The document does not in fact change Church teaching on marriage, it does seem to change Church teaching on the sinfulness of same-sex activity.”

Key phrase, “Over the past decade, ambiguity on certain matters of Catholic doctrine and practice has become a pattern for the current pontificate.”

Chaput mentions other examples: Francis’ criticism of American Catholics that has too often been unjust and uninformed. Or that much of the German Church is effectively in schism, yet Rome first unwisely tolerated Germany’s ‘synodal path,’ and then reacted too slowly to preclude the negative results. Furthermore, Francis has asked the International Theological Commission to work on “de-masculinizing” the Church even though fatherhood and male Christian spiritual leadership are in crisis.

Picture: Charles Chaput © angelamcave, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsTepwtkunrf

Fr Gordon J MacRae
Jesus freed people from their demons. He did not bless the demons on their way out.
Sandy Barrett
God one.
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Defeat Modernism
All sodomites died the day Our Lord was born says St. Bonaventure: All Sodomites Died When Our Lord Was Born
Yes affirming and undercutting is the key. As Chris Ferrara puts it - Modernists always affirm what they deny and deny what they affirm!
The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is …More
The Church cannot bless a person who is in the state of unrepented mortal sin. When I commit a mortal sin, any good that I have done is eradicated and I can do nothing pleasing to the Lord. I am cut off from Him. It is only when I repent and am absolved that I am restored. The Church, by this new decree from Francis, while protected by the Holy Ghost in that the gay unions are not being blessed, is being horrifically uncharitable and is lying to the sodomites, facilitating their damnation. Furthermore, any priest that goes along with this is tying a huge millstone around his neck. This is a most terrifying state of affairs for many. Jesus, save us. God have mercy.
All Saints
Immoral nature. Not moral nature.
Great!!!….absolutely outstanding. And sadly, it is because of His Excellency’s strong and orthodox convictions such as this unvarnished proclamation of truth, that he’s been unjustly deprived of and denied a Red Hat.