The International Theological Institute dismisses three longtime professors

The International Theological Institute (ITI) in Trumau, south of Vienna, which teaches in English, will dismiss three leading professors and five members of the administrative staff. The President of the ITI, Christiaan Alting of Geusau, confirmed this at a meeting with students on Monday. The three professors are:

• the fundamental theologian and Thomist Father Rupert Mayer OP.
• the philosopher Markus Riedenauer, married, 3 children.
• the Ukrainian Byzantine Studies, Father Yosyp Veresh.

Two visiting professors will be invited to teach for less pay: the British moral theologian William Newton (married, 6 children), and the Austrian politician Gudrun Kugler (married, 4 children).

Persistent criticism against the President of the ITI

Beginning last week president Alting informed the 22-member faculty about the layoffs. The message spread quickly. Last Friday Alting invited the students for an information meeting, which was scheduled for Monday early afternoon.

Last Saturday, the students gathered to discuss the situation. They expressed their dismay about the news and concluded that those were laid off, who had fought against Altings appointment as President of the Institute in spring 2014.

The dispute over Alting has been raging at the Institute for months. Alting was appointed against the will of the faculty by the Grand Chancellor of the Institute Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. In the dispute, the professors even called on the Pontifical Congregation for Education. Leading critic of Alting’s controversial appointment was the talented young British professor Alan Fimister. But last summer Fiminster was informed that he was no longer welcome as a teacher at the ITI. So far, Fimister has not been replaced.

400,000 Euro annual deficit

In front of the students Alting referred to a "serious financial situation" of the ITI as the cause for the dismissals. The Institute produces an annual deficit of 300,000 to 400,000 Euros (370,000 to 490,000 dollars). According to Alting in the last two or three months, the donations nosedived. He emphasized multiple times that the layoffs were necessary only because of "structural problems". Alting also stressed that the dismissals were decided by Cardinal Schönborn, presenting himself as an "executor", and asking the students to "pray, study and simply trust the Cardinal": "You havt to trust your leadership, trust the cardinal. We are lucky to have him. You can trust him." Or: "You have no choice but to trust." Schönborn has been part of the pro-gay group during the last Synod on the Family.

Many questions remain

Alting refused to discuss the reasons why precisely the professors Mayer, Veresh and Riedenauer were terminated. Insiders suspect ideological and personal reasons behind the decision. The relationship between Father Mayer and Cardinal Schönborn, both Dominicans, is allegedly problematic. Mayer was considered the top-professor at the ITI. During the meeting a student asked Alting whether the Institute only advanced financial reasons as a pretext to dismiss Father Mayer. Alting said about him: "We all realize indeed what a great scholar Pater Rupert is. And in that sense he is irreplaceable. But we know and we are confident that we will be able to replace him”. Alting insisted that rumors about a "personal vendetta" against the teacher were wrong.

When students offered their help to raise more funds for the ITI to be able to keep the three professors, Alting told them to direct their efforts toward persecuted Christians. He announced that the Institute plans to replace the vacant positions with new professors, adding that the Institute is not only suffering from a decline in donations but also from a decline in the number of students.
Johannes 1
Concordia res parvae crescunt, discordia maxumae dilabuntur.
So sorry about everything 🤐
Quídquid agís, prudénter agás et réspice fínem! :(
As an alumnus of ITI I will attest that the loss of these three professors is unfortunate. I took courses from Markus Riedenauer and Father Yosyp Veresh; and I still remember Pater Rupert's sermons. These three are all irreplaceable in their own ways.
I also studied with Dr. William Newton, who is a very fine and popular professor.
I graduated from ITI in 2010 and can attest that the students and …More
As an alumnus of ITI I will attest that the loss of these three professors is unfortunate. I took courses from Markus Riedenauer and Father Yosyp Veresh; and I still remember Pater Rupert's sermons. These three are all irreplaceable in their own ways.

I also studied with Dr. William Newton, who is a very fine and popular professor.

I graduated from ITI in 2010 and can attest that the students and faculty maintain high standards of Catholic orthodoxy.

While I am not in any position know why these particular professors were let go; I think the financial situation at ITI is the number 1 reason for these layoffs.

Please consider a donation to the ITI; they really do learn "theology on their knees".
Dr Bobus
Typical of Cardinal Schonborn is the Op Ed he wrote for the New York Times about Evolution. It was a very good analysis of the problems. After there was opposition, however, he tried to run away from what he had written.
He is a very competent theologian but has no backbone. He is a member of an order whose motto is Veritas, but whenever he is called on to defend Truth, he lies down like a yellow dog. …More
Typical of Cardinal Schonborn is the Op Ed he wrote for the New York Times about Evolution. It was a very good analysis of the problems. After there was opposition, however, he tried to run away from what he had written.

He is a very competent theologian but has no backbone. He is a member of an order whose motto is Veritas, but whenever he is called on to defend Truth, he lies down like a yellow dog.

I have friends who, when they became Catholics, were shunned by their familiies. One was kicked of the house by her father. For the past 30 years she has been a nun in France, and he has never visited him. Another was a Jew whose parents never spoke to him after he converted. He became a monk priest of Fontgombault, now Clear Creek. And there are stories about other people.

Who knows what is behind the moves at the ITI? It's hard to keep thinking, however, that the Schonborn habit of accommodating those opposed to Catholic doctrine instead of defending those who teach it is somehow involved.
Arius? Nestorius? I am not sure about that. I don't believe he is a thinker, rather somebody who sticks his finger in the wind. He loved to be remembered among Catholics as the secretary of the commission that produced the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but he quickly understood that he needed (to put it in friendly words) "to keep away" from Cardinal Ratzinger in order to protect his own reputation …More
Arius? Nestorius? I am not sure about that. I don't believe he is a thinker, rather somebody who sticks his finger in the wind. He loved to be remembered among Catholics as the secretary of the commission that produced the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but he quickly understood that he needed (to put it in friendly words) "to keep away" from Cardinal Ratzinger in order to protect his own reputation. When Ratzinger was elected Pope, Schönborn was taken by surprise. Now, it was too late. Ratzinger did not trust him anymore and Schönborn did not get any job in Rome. During the Pontificate of Benedict XVI Schönborn started showing his liberal convictions more openly, infamous is his pro-gay stance. If the President of the ITI tells the students to trust Schönborn, then the ITI is in deep troubles.
The cardinal of Vienna seems to be a new Arius, Nestorius,...
The cardinal of Vienna seems to be a new Arius, Nestorius,...

@Lisi Sterndorfer: Who is Hogan?
@Frater Asinus
Sorry, but beyond insults I cannot draw much from your commentaries.
Lisi Sterndorfer
@Frater Asinus
1. Have you read the article carefully? Because the source is mentioned: "meeting with students on Monday". The quotations are by somebody "official", the President of the ITI.
2. Kicking out three professors at once - and amongst them the best one of the Institute - is unseen in other theological faculties.
3. As far as I know, there is a long history of kicking out people at the …More
@Frater Asinus

1. Have you read the article carefully? Because the source is mentioned: "meeting with students on Monday". The quotations are by somebody "official", the President of the ITI.

2. Kicking out three professors at once - and amongst them the best one of the Institute - is unseen in other theological faculties.

3. As far as I know, there is a long history of kicking out people at the ITI . Just to mention one: The way the cardinal got rid of Michael Waldstein was - to stay friendly - unfair. (and then how Schönborn got rid of Hogan, who was installed after Waldstein....)
Frater Asinus
I am not going to respond beyond this, because I do not want to draw any more attention to this nonsense.
1. This article is without sources and has evidenced no attempt to speak to anyone official at the ITI. They are using the alleged misfortunes of the school in order to attack the cardinal. It is evident that you are happy to disparage the character of the cardinal on the basis of your …More
I am not going to respond beyond this, because I do not want to draw any more attention to this nonsense.
1. This article is without sources and has evidenced no attempt to speak to anyone official at the ITI. They are using the alleged misfortunes of the school in order to attack the cardinal. It is evident that you are happy to disparage the character of the cardinal on the basis of your disagreements with him, but most (sane) people would consider such conduct inappropriate; especially from an organization that seeks to be taken seriously.
2. How do you know any of this is true? Has the ITI released any public statement? Nonsense.
3. Again, to state your position is sufficient to refute it.
@Frater Asinus:
1. Why so aggressive ("salacious tabloid journalism")? What is wrong with the article?
2. Is it not true that the three professors were kicked out? Is it not true that the arguments of the President are not convincing?
3. How can one believe that an Institute that is run be one of the most pro-homosexual Cardinals of the Church will proclaim Catholic morals or will allow Catholic …More
@Frater Asinus:
1. Why so aggressive ("salacious tabloid journalism")? What is wrong with the article?

2. Is it not true that the three professors were kicked out? Is it not true that the arguments of the President are not convincing?

3. How can one believe that an Institute that is run be one of the most pro-homosexual Cardinals of the Church will proclaim Catholic morals or will allow Catholic moral theology to be taught?
Frater Asinus
This is salacious tabloid journalism and a discredit to gloria tv that they even allow such nonsense on their site.
As for @Abramo, if you think that ITI is at all like a "mainstream institute" then you clearly have never been there or spoken with any graduates that come from there. To state your position is sufficient to refute it.
You are right. This is the reason why neo-conservatism is a form of Modernism. They want to mix and end up with Modernism.
The ITI was founded to start a renewal in theology. But it quickly turned out to be another mainstream Institute. Vienna Cardinal Schönborn, the boss of the ITI, is very pro-gay, so how could one expect that the ITI would proclaim the Gospel or Catholic doctrine?