
Schneider: Enemies of the Church Rule The Vatican

Bishop Athanasius Schneider discovered the Roman Mass only after Summorum Pontificum (2007), he told @cjm-media and Gloria.tv (interview recorded on November 17 below).

He explained that in the Roman Rite "I am actually only a servant" because every gesture and every step are prescribed in a very precise way.

His then Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga, 72, of Karaganda knew that Schneider was celebrating the Roman Mass but showed no interest for this.

When Lenga resigned and returned to Poland in 2011, a priest offered to teach him to celebrate Mass and Lenga accepted. After his first Mass, he called Schneider and told him that the difference between the Mass and the Eucharist "is like heaven and earth.”

For Schneider, Francis' desire to abolish Mass is not realistic. Despite the current prohibitions and persecution, Roman Rite groups are growing, sometimes underground.

Francis supports on one hand a "diversity of religions" but on the other hand fights a "diversity of liturgical forms" in his own Church, Schneider observes: “That's a contradiction.”

He believes that Francis is "not against diversity," but “he has a contempt for the liturgical tradition of the Church and the Mass of almost all the saints and most of his predecessors.” For Schneider, “this contempt for tradition” is a problem and “not Catholic.”

Traditionis Custodes is for Schneider an ideological document and he doesn't think it will last long because it opposes the nature of the Church.

The priests may ignore TC, Schneider explains, "because it is an abuse of papal authority," opposes the tradition of the Church and an attack against a great treasure of the Church. Francis is destroying something that belongs to the universal Church.

Therefore, he would tell Francis, "With all due respect and love for you and your ministry, we cannot obey you in this point." And, "We will not obey you here, and your successors will reward us."

For Schneider, the Church is in an "enormous" and "extraordinary crisis" because "in the Vatican, to a large extent, the enemies of the Church call the shots."


Credo .
For your information: Bishop Athanasius Schneider is a good and holy Bishop. > Checkout Prayer of the Crusade of Reparation to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. @ Prayer of the Crusade of Reparation to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus - 21st July 2020. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Sancte Teotónio
Is a good holy bishop that keeps inciting people to disobey the man he claims to be pope. That is schismatic behavior.
If Bergolio is pope, then Bergolio > Schneider.More
Is a good holy bishop that keeps inciting people to disobey the man he claims to be pope. That is schismatic behavior.

If Bergolio is pope, then Bergolio > Schneider.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
We support Schneider, and the SSPX and the ICRSP and CMRI over Bergoglio any day. Bergoglio and associates are heretics, and more than likely a pack of homosexuals...especially the German bishops, Cardinal Hollerich, Parolin,Tagle,Gregory,Tobin,Cupich, Bishop Paglia, etc.etc.etc. All scum.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Better for a Bishop to incite faithful to disobey, than to obey a homo loving Pope and Vatican.
porta folio manager
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori "Bergoglio and asociates ARE herettics" (you admited it!) THEN (as mandatory consequence!) bergoglio and asociates ARE NOT PART of the church... rigth?
Then... why you obey them and why you are WITH them?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@porta folio manager --I'm not, Buddy Man!! I NEVER said I either obeyed them or was with them. You got me wrong! I would never bow to and obey Bergoglio and his associates. I just wish these good guys who speak alot, like Schneider...Muller, etc. would actually start doing something to overturn Bergoglio. The brave people of China have risen up in large parts of their country against the Communists …More
@porta folio manager --I'm not, Buddy Man!! I NEVER said I either obeyed them or was with them. You got me wrong! I would never bow to and obey Bergoglio and his associates. I just wish these good guys who speak alot, like Schneider...Muller, etc. would actually start doing something to overturn Bergoglio. The brave people of China have risen up in large parts of their country against the Communists thugs. The least good Catholics can do, is rise up against Bergoglio en masse....maybe at a General Audience, start chanting/shouting something against him and his "Synodal Church" and associates. And not just 3-4 people.....several hundred would get the world's attention. Thirty or forty Cardinals against Francis would get the world's attention.....not 3-4 that was tried afew years ago and failed.
porta folio manager
More easy: if the (so called) 'catholics' just does not show up in ANY place controlled by vatican/bergoglio... how long could take before they got it ruined? (as ghandi did... just dont show up there, dont support them, dont talk to them)...
Entry for contest of the most bigamous manifesto
"With all due respect and love for you and your ministry..."
Salvatore Bastatti
What all Catholics have been saying all along and yet Bergoglio is still in power. How is it that the Swiss Guard defend some colon compromised organism that says Christ our God recited the Lord's Prayer incorrectly?
porta folio manager
they are not catholics anymore...
Sancte Teotónio
With all due respect, if Francis is Pope, then he knows how to rule the Church better than a Bishop or even all the Bishops of the world. In fact, they only are bishops because of the papal authority and jurisdiction.
We can't follow a path where we can't obey the Pope, because the Pope is the one who confirms our Faith. Where is the Pope is where the Church is.
Also i don't know how it is even …More
With all due respect, if Francis is Pope, then he knows how to rule the Church better than a Bishop or even all the Bishops of the world. In fact, they only are bishops because of the papal authority and jurisdiction.

We can't follow a path where we can't obey the Pope, because the Pope is the one who confirms our Faith. Where is the Pope is where the Church is.

Also i don't know how it is even possible to have a Pope who is not catholic. That's literally the first requisite.

What we used to call those popes who where not Popes? anti-pope
Dr Bobus
it is not a particular Pope who confirms our faith but rather the papacy. And that includes Pius V, Pius IX, Pius X, JPII, BXVi . . .
The pope cannot legitimately do whatever he wants. The foundation for the office is Truth not unchecked power.
Pius IX: La Tradition. c'est moiMore
it is not a particular Pope who confirms our faith but rather the papacy. And that includes Pius V, Pius IX, Pius X, JPII, BXVi . . .

The pope cannot legitimately do whatever he wants. The foundation for the office is Truth not unchecked power.

Pius IX: La Tradition. c'est moi
Sancte Teotónio
i don't know where you disenchanted that fake proposition, but its every single Pope who confirms our faith.
Stop with the pseudo-galicanism.
The fact that proves you wrong is that the teaching of post-VII popes is different then all the previous until S.Peter.
You can't have both. No one can judge the Pope. Not even all the cardinals of the world.More
i don't know where you disenchanted that fake proposition, but its every single Pope who confirms our faith.

Stop with the pseudo-galicanism.

The fact that proves you wrong is that the teaching of post-VII popes is different then all the previous until S.Peter.

You can't have both. No one can judge the Pope. Not even all the cardinals of the world.
Salvatore Bastatti
Sancte Teotonio-- you are so far off in your response here that a shrewd observer would think you are a modernist cleric sent here (among many such "clerics") to dissemble, prevaricate, and make a fool of yourself.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Except when a Pope teaches heresy, and departs from the constant teachings of the Church and upholding the Mass (Roman Rite). Such a break must be judged, and repudiated. Yes, certainly the Cardinals can judge the Pope if he persecutes the Roman Rite Mass, goes against constant Church teaching on marriage, divorce, and human sexuality. Any Pope who tries to destroy the Mass(Roman Rite), gives …More
Except when a Pope teaches heresy, and departs from the constant teachings of the Church and upholding the Mass (Roman Rite). Such a break must be judged, and repudiated. Yes, certainly the Cardinals can judge the Pope if he persecutes the Roman Rite Mass, goes against constant Church teaching on marriage, divorce, and human sexuality. Any Pope who tries to destroy the Mass(Roman Rite), gives allowance for divorce, blessings for homosexuals and stating that they are good living people, giving Holy Communion to the divorced and re-married or those who promote abortion, welcoming a progession of a pagan idol into St.Peters, etc. can indeed be held accountable and judged. A Pope who deliberatly tries to break with the Faith and lead into error with something like a new "Synodal Church". can be judged by Cardinals and Bishops as a true HERETIC who is owen no obedience and should be deposed.
Mr Bastatti, I must be a 'shrewd observer' because the thoughts you state were mine to the tee!😅
Tony M
Spot on Kenjiro. Get the book, Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus" - "The 'always' is also 'forever'" By Estefania Acosta. This book examines all of the potential canonical breaches in the process of Jorge Bergoglio taking the Chair of Peter (these potential breaches are many and every single one of them look to be real breaches of canon laws and Apostolic Constitutions, and each one of which would be …More
Spot on Kenjiro. Get the book, Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritus" - "The 'always' is also 'forever'" By Estefania Acosta. This book examines all of the potential canonical breaches in the process of Jorge Bergoglio taking the Chair of Peter (these potential breaches are many and every single one of them look to be real breaches of canon laws and Apostolic Constitutions, and each one of which would be enough to, stand alone, invalidate the supposed election of Jorge Bergoglio)......... About the author: Estefania Acosta Ochoa (1989-) is a native of Medellin, Colombia. Master in Law of the University of Medellin (with an honorable mention in her master's thesis in the area of constitutional law), she was for years an official of the State Judicial Power and a university professor, working in the areas of civil and commercial law.
A cradle Catholic, her education took place in an also Catholic environment, making it possible that, years later, the rising professional and material successes, when challenged by a decisive and definitive conversion process, not dissuaded her from using the many talents received, in the first place, for the "Kingdom of God and His Justice", which is, in Ignation terms, to do everything A.M.D.G. This is what we see in her work in defense of the rights of God, the Church and the Papacy.
Sancte Teotónio
@Salvatore Bastatti Maybe you should study church teaching and stop watching those conservatives who only fool people. I never tought i would be called modernist for upholding church teaching. We really are in confusing times.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori You say that a pope should be obeyed unless he teaches heresy. The problem with that is that no Pope ever taught heresy. That is what is dogmatically …More
@Salvatore Bastatti Maybe you should study church teaching and stop watching those conservatives who only fool people. I never tought i would be called modernist for upholding church teaching. We really are in confusing times.

@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori You say that a pope should be obeyed unless he teaches heresy. The problem with that is that no Pope ever taught heresy. That is what is dogmatically defined in Vatican I pastore eaternus. That affirmation is just stupid and ilogical, because if a Pope can teach heresy, then the protestants are right, that you can't follow Peter everytime and we are just pope worshippers.

@Tony M You point out a blasfemous book from a women as your defense? St Paul teaches that women should be quiet about church teaching unless asked. That's your first mistake. The second is that you fallback on the idea that somehow BXVI was better than bergoglio. You fail to see that Ratzinger was one of the "masterminds" behing the modern VatII church. But i guess you are ok with a little modernism, just not as much as Bergolio's modernism. 😉

🙏Pls read the teachings of the Popes before VatII and stop with de false doctrine of resistance to the Pope. The Pope has to be obeyed no matter what, not questioned and not analyzed. That just makes you pseudo-protestant.

As the great St. Pius X taught: "there can be no holiness where there is disagreement with the pope"-

St. Pius X, ora pro nobis.
Sancte Teotónio
You all can't dispense the teaching of obedience to the Pope to continue saving bergoglio's ass.
porta folio manager
@Dr Bobus and "pious v" and "leo xiii" etc are not PARTICULAR personss/POPES ???? so "the papacy" its A PERSON ???
Dr Bobus
No, the papacy is an office, the Petrine Office, which historically is occupied by a man. St Augustine says, along with Scripture, that the Rock is Christ, so Peter's participation in the Rock is his Confession that Christ is the Son of the Living God: On this Rock (Peter's Confession) Christ will built His Church.
We are all to be obedient to the occupant of the Petrine Office in so far as what …More
No, the papacy is an office, the Petrine Office, which historically is occupied by a man. St Augustine says, along with Scripture, that the Rock is Christ, so Peter's participation in the Rock is his Confession that Christ is the Son of the Living God: On this Rock (Peter's Confession) Christ will built His Church.

We are all to be obedient to the occupant of the Petrine Office in so far as what he is doing and saying is in harmony with the Confession of Peter and previous popes within that same harmony. The Papacy is bigger than any one man.
Sancte Teotónio
@Dr Bobus So you judge by yourself if the pope is being true to his office? Did you read what Saint Pius X said about the obedience to the Pope, that i posted above?
"In the Roman Rite 'I am actually only a servant'." What a beautiful observation, recognition.