The Catholic Church has installed a new automatic confession service.
Wichita Knight
Classic! I always suspected that concealed underneath a nun's habit lay a wicked sense of humor.
Respectfully, making fun of one of our great Sacraments is not a good Catholic practice. We should not lower our standards to the level of the Conciliarists or the secular world.
Yes, I agree and please take down this video.
Opera 369
All I can say is: Catholicism must be so grand and powerful .. that all other 'sides' (you know which ones) either try to mimic It, spoil It, desecrate It, destroy It. Wow.. Catholicism is truly of the Devine One, glad to be a humble/happy servant!
John A Cassani
This reminds me of a story an old professor told me, who went to the same college I did, but, back when it was Catholic. The men used to go to Confession in droves, and he remembered a day when he heard one of the confessors shout “That’s not a sin! Whoever told you that that was a sin?!” And the young man came out of the confessional with his head down. Jesuit school, of course.
I am glad that this is only a joke.
LYungue thanks for confirming that it’s only a joke!