Why Is Bergoglio So Homophile?

The English writer, Deacon Nick Donnelly, has asked the question, what is the point of the journalists accredited at the Vatican, if they don’t ask “the obvious questions” (Twitter.com, ProtecttTheFaith …More
The English writer, Deacon Nick Donnelly, has asked the question, what is the point of the journalists accredited at the Vatican, if they don’t ask “the obvious questions” (Twitter.com, ProtecttTheFaith, 24 January). The deacon gives some examples:
"Jorge, what's all this about you and homosexuality?"
"Why do you appoint so many vocal supporters of homosexuality as bishops?"
"Why did you appoint a notorious homosexual in charge of your home in the Domus Sanctae Marthae?"
"Why are you always praising that queen James Martin?"
"Why is your weekly dinner companion a Jesuit who has a website dedicated to a homosexual poet?"
"Why did you appoint the gayest prefect of the CDF in history?"
The REAL and very salient question about this subject that should be asked directly of the Holy Father is this: Do you personally believe and hold as divine truth that sexual acts committed between persons of the same sex are mortal sins, and that if a person does not repent and cease committing those acts and remains, because of them, outside the state of grace, that they imperil their immortal …More
The REAL and very salient question about this subject that should be asked directly of the Holy Father is this: Do you personally believe and hold as divine truth that sexual acts committed between persons of the same sex are mortal sins, and that if a person does not repent and cease committing those acts and remains, because of them, outside the state of grace, that they imperil their immortal soul upon death, with the fires of hell as their eternal fate? That is the question that should be asked of him EVERY TIME a journalist has the opportunity. It is a YES or NO question that would require him - if he spoke truthfully - to reveal fully where he stands on the issue, either with the immutable and perennial Doctrine and Dogma of Holy Mother Church, or with the perverts and degenerates in society who are relentlessly and aggressively promoting sodomy throughout the globe. In answering such a question, he would have to make it blazingly clear that either he believes the Word of God as revealed in millennia of Church teaching regarding sodomy, or that he approves and sanctions it and those who commit it unrepentantly. Either way, the whole Church and the entire world would know for CERTAIN where he stands and what he believes. He could no longer hide behind this "everyone, everyone, everyone; go to the peripheries; smell like the sheep; be more pastoral; church is a field hospital; ultra-mercy; reject no one" thematic bullcrap that he has tried to shove down the throat of the Church. He'd be exposed for what he ACTUALLY personally believes, which would explain what compels and drives him to implement the diabolically destructive agenda for the acceptance and approval of unnatural abominations and the total transformation and disfigurement of the Church, along with his heretical abjuration of her Doctrine.
Novena - Oremus
"You were right about those Africans, Walter!"