
New Accusations Against Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga

Tegucigalpa Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga - a close ally of Pope Francis - is an accomplice of the corrupt system of Honduras, Spanish born Father Bernardo Font Ribot stated in a July 5 …More
Tegucigalpa Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga - a close ally of Pope Francis - is an accomplice of the corrupt system of Honduras, Spanish born Father Bernardo Font Ribot stated in a July 5 letter to Francis. Font lives in Amapala, Honduras.
He writes that he went bankrupt after he placed his patrimonial assets inherited from his family at Rodríguez’ order into the hands of the cardinal. When nothing was left, Rodríguez rejected him and suspending him from the priesthood after 50 years of pastoral service. Therefore Font has filed a civil lawsuit against Rodríguez.
Rodríguez appointed Font as Executive Secretary of the Catholic media in Honduras. Font used his own money inherited from his parents (real estate, shares and other) to execute his task.
He also contributed to the Major Seminary of Our Lady of Suyapa, and to a parish in the Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa.
From the beginning Font informed Rodríguez about his business activities in Puerto Rico. Rodríguez told him: "Do not …More
Maradiaga is an utter thief, a brazen thief, someone who gave himself a vast salary out of proportion to his role heading a college in a poor country. Similarly, he barely bothers to deny the letter of protest from seminarians scandalised at the sodomite element in their seminary. The sort suited to serving Francis. I hope Fr Ribot gets justice.
Joseph a' Christian
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Much evil worldwide.
Come together in Christ.