
French Abuse Report NOT Based On Facts

An inquiry commissioned by the French bishops claims that the number of mainly male minors allegedly abused by churchmen in France since 1950 has been "between 216,000 and 330,000." These numbers are …More
An inquiry commissioned by the French bishops claims that the number of mainly male minors allegedly abused by churchmen in France since 1950 has been "between 216,000 and 330,000." These numbers are pushed by the oligarch’s media around the globe.
The given number of abusers (= homosexual priests) is between 2,900 and 3,200, out of a total of 115,000 French priests. The report is nearly 2,500 pages long and was compiled between 2018 and 2021.
The inquiry was led by the judge Jean-Marc Sauvé. He admitted – what is the most important and underreported truth – that the number of victims is only ESTIMATED. It is not based on facts but on “projections” coming from "sexual science."
Issued from a Catholic family, Sauvé, 72, was for two years a Jesuit scholastic and became a Socialist in the 1980s. As a public servant, he has always served the regime and is known for his opportunism (salary in 2015 at least: €205’000). Sauvé supported the persecution of the black stand-up comedian and regime …More
John C
Minor sexual cases in France (Monthly) = 1854 statista.com/topics/8154/pedocriminality-in-france/
This news is political in nature, never mentioned that it is Pope Francis who commissioned the report, not a secular commission.More
Minor sexual cases in France (Monthly) = 1854 statista.com/topics/8154/pedocriminality-in-france/

This news is political in nature, never mentioned that it is Pope Francis who commissioned the report, not a secular commission.
atreverse pensar
They never talk about the victims of paedophiles - doctors, teachers, social services, etc. And above all, the actors.
The media talk about the clergy, so as not to talk about other things.
Pope Francis prays for victims of Catholic sex abuse in France:
Angelo Santelli
Does it matter that Bergoglio "prays"? Despierte!