
Lenten Tweet: What Are They Smoking in the Vatican?

L’Osservatore Romano, the official daily of the decadent Vatican tweeted on February 20:

During Lent, Catholics are called to observe a gas fast to avoid fuelling the war and against the consumption of fossil fuels.

On the contrary, experts hope that the Vatican will drastically increase the consumption of common-sense enhancers during Lent.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The "WOKE" Vatican and "WOKE" pontificate of Pope Francis will both be gone soon. I can already hear the applause and cheers of the faithful 😂 😂 😂
Which god do they worship? The earth is their idol.
For them, everything is fluid, changing, keeping up with the spirit of the times..........there is no One, Holy, Catholic Church for them. And, whatever remnants are left, these 'churchmen' determined to obliterate. READ: Abrahamic accord
Oh, my good lord! 😡