
Francis Makes Another “Secret Call” to Scalfari

In his Sunday editorial, Eugenio Scalfari, an ex-fascist and founder of the anti-Church newspaper La Repubblica revealed he received another "secret" phone call from Francis.

Scalfari embarrassed Francis many times publicly.

The atheist insists on calling Francis "His Holiness" and "a friend who has helped me rediscover my self and my questions", but reports almost nothing of the call.

He rambles instead that Francis “re-interpretation” of “religion” has essentially created his "self," but he remained an atheist despite the many conversations with Francis.

His relationship with Francis is fundamental for him to investigate questions that remained "unanswered" in him throughout his life.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsYahbxbdjmh

Pope Francis secretly called ME this past Sunday and told me he wants to rescind all Vatican Council II reforms next year. Hey, my claim has the same amount of evidence as Eugenio Scalfari's. His say-so, is no different than my say-so. He published an editorial. Good for him. I'm hitting the green "publish" button on this post. Whoo hoo! Now we're both published. :P
Tony M
Bergoglio is much too smart for you Ultra. He is running rings around you.
You're just jealous he doesn't favour YOU with secret calls. ;-)
July 1917 Our Lady warned of Russia and provided the antidote and miracle to endorse. Take a moment to study and reset in God’s plan. fatima.org/…3/The-True-Story-of-Fatima.pdf
J G Tasan
Page 84 of that e-book has turned me off... 🥴
Alex A
Both as 'silly' as each other ergo, they deserve each other.
Tony M
No. No. No. Far from being silly, this is deadly serious, as Jorge Bergoglio keeps going back to Scalfari for him to act as the puppet like mouthpiece to announce the Bergoglian heresies to the world, but done in such a way that he (Bergoglio) cannot be nailed for heresy.
It is a trick.....a brilliant trick that still so many haven't woken up to.
This is why he keeps going back to Scalfari???
It …More
No. No. No. Far from being silly, this is deadly serious, as Jorge Bergoglio keeps going back to Scalfari for him to act as the puppet like mouthpiece to announce the Bergoglian heresies to the world, but done in such a way that he (Bergoglio) cannot be nailed for heresy.
It is a trick.....a brilliant trick that still so many haven't woken up to.
This is why he keeps going back to Scalfari???
It 'deadly' serious trick because the result is the loss of millions of souls, as they are led into heresies coming from the Chair of Peter. Please everyone....Wake up!!!
Would you be so kind as to supply your evidence this call actually transpired? @Tony M Aside from Mr. Scalfari's say-so? After all, you're not accepting MY say-so about my secret call.
After all, Pope Francis has never had any reluctance promoting his own errors, the ones you wrongly call "heresies" which, in point of fact, they are not.
"because the result is the loss of millions of souls"
When …More
Would you be so kind as to supply your evidence this call actually transpired? @Tony M Aside from Mr. Scalfari's say-so? After all, you're not accepting MY say-so about my secret call.

After all, Pope Francis has never had any reluctance promoting his own errors, the ones you wrongly call "heresies" which, in point of fact, they are not.

"because the result is the loss of millions of souls"

When you're done showing this call actually took place, for an encore please show that millions of souls have been lost as a result of Francis' errors.

That claim presupposes 1.) those souls were previously going to heaven before Francis started promoting errors and 2.) damned themselves by following some statement "from the Chair of Peter" i.e Pope Francis.

You'll need to show evidence of both to support your claim. It's far more likely those who share Pope Francis' world-view were already lost and damned themselves entirely through their own failings irrespective of the current pontiff.

Conversely, those who do NOT share Pope Francis' world-view (myself included) will go on ignoring his errors just as we've been doing for his two predecessors.

That doesn't presuppose we're going ot Heaven, of course. Only that Pope Francis' errors (or those of his predecessors) won't be the cause of our damnation should it occur.