Francis Blesses Same Sex Relationships Sermon delivered by Fr Mousa on Sunday, January 7, 2024More
Francis Blesses Same Sex Relationships
Sermon delivered by Fr Mousa on Sunday, January 7, 2024
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The Pope is infallible and the Church is indefectible. The person sitting on the Throne of Peter has erred many times. Therefore he is not the Pope. The Church he heads is not the Catholic Church.
There are problems everywhere, and the Eastern Rite will not welcome you, believe me.
Carlus shares this
eine ausgesprochen gute Darstellung der IST-Situation in der Nachäfferkirche Besetzter Raum, ausgelöst durch den Falschen Propheten. Vielen Dank für die klaren Worte.
If there wasn't a SSPX or FSSP chapel near me, I would have switched to the Eastern Catholic Rite!
@philosopher This person is not Eastern Catholic. He is Orthodox.
@spinmeister thanks for the clarification! Pax
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