
Leading Moscow Priest Leaves Ecclesiastic Ministry

Father Igor Kowalewski, 56, told Credo.Press (November 11) that he interrupted all contacts with Moscow Archdiocese, left Russia, and has begun a “life in the world.” A former chancellor of Moscow …More
Father Igor Kowalewski, 56, told Credo.Press (November 11) that he interrupted all contacts with Moscow Archdiocese, left Russia, and has begun a “life in the world.”
A former chancellor of Moscow archdiocese, general secretary of the Russian Bishops, and former head of Caritas Moscow, he complains about a lack of support from [incompetent] Moscow Archbishop Pezzi. Two psychologists told Kowalewski “to get out of the toxic environment” of Pezzi’s archdiocese. Kowalewski is ready to take any work, “including physical work.”
Kowalewski understood that “if you're trying to do something for this Church, you'll be left in the lurch.” It would have been easier for him, had he concentrated on his own interest, lived on money from outside Russia and told the world about "the great mission of evangelizing Russia."
In Moscow, he was confronted with “huge ambition” and “a lack of professionalism” which resulted in chaos.
He cites the handover of the four buildings on Moscows’s Miliutinsky Lane …More
Your misogynist comments, character assasinations are so disgusting. I note none of you refers to boyfriends. This priest knows more about whats going on than hypocritical armchair christians commentators. While you are at it, dont forget to condemn the the married apostles, priests of the church for the first 1100 years and the ortrhodox as well. (nothing in dogma). When you find the truth of who …More
Your misogynist comments, character assasinations are so disgusting. I note none of you refers to boyfriends. This priest knows more about whats going on than hypocritical armchair christians commentators. While you are at it, dont forget to condemn the the married apostles, priests of the church for the first 1100 years and the ortrhodox as well. (nothing in dogma). When you find the truth of who is and is not marriedyour mouths will fall open. Additionally, I note not many people comment any more because they are tied of your nasty and ignorant attitudes, Also you will have no trouble getting a seat in church because no one wants to be near any of you vipers. I will not post again bevause I would not like anyone to think I keep such on line company. No wonder Jesus un turned tables in the Temple. Shame on you - are you actually satanists.
You will find the original christian and jewish teachings prior to the councils do not support your position. The councils were divided and split churches and communities and were often established for political and finanacial reasons. A good look at history will enlighten you. And alas currently such attitudes have led to .......
Maybe many women @Seidenspinner Or maybe Father visited his first club on Techno Night and realized everything he was missing.
Should we bet there is something else behind? A woman?
John A Cassani
Of course there could be, but everything he says rings true. Persisting in a priestly vocation can require heroic virtue, when one’s bishop and brother priests become his enemy. This does not excuse what he did, but one does not always leave for salacious reasons.