
Hugs and Kisses: Francis Receives Second Concubine of Argentinean President

Francis, 82, received on December 13 Fabiola Yáñez, 38, with hugs, kisses and holding hands. Yáñez is the second concubine of the Peronist/Socialist Argentinean president Alberto Fernández, 60.

Fernández' wife is Marcela Luchetti. They have a son Estanislao who performs as a transvestite.

Fernández got rid of his wife in 2005. His first concubine was Vilma Ibarra, 59, an abortion and gay pseudo-marriage activist.

Yáñez presented Francis with a chalice during a meeting with five Latin American first ladies. This was her first official trip.

The meeting took place on the day of Francis’ 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination.

On the same day, Fernández introduced a law forcing doctors and hospitals to commit more abortions in Argentina.


Come on you guys never heard of Amores Leticia? By the power of the Pachamamas he absolves marriages.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Yuca2111 you sure were right about things!
How fitting. Putting into practice amoris laetitia.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio continues to show his contempt for Catholic doctrine. Bergoglio is like a corrupt Judge who, instead of punishing the offender, judges the Law that is above him to free the criminal and judge and persecute only the faithful Catholics who obey God's Law. Bergoglio judges the Law of God and places himself above God.
The Church has excommunicated abortion politicians, communists and condemns …More
Bergoglio continues to show his contempt for Catholic doctrine. Bergoglio is like a corrupt Judge who, instead of punishing the offender, judges the Law that is above him to free the criminal and judge and persecute only the faithful Catholics who obey God's Law. Bergoglio judges the Law of God and places himself above God.
The Church has excommunicated abortion politicians, communists and condemns abortion, adultery and homosexuality.
Bergoglio instead of obeying God's Law challenges God and places himself on the side of God's enemies.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio nadal wykazuje pogardę dla doktryny katolickiej. Bergoglio jest jak skorumpowany Sędzia, który zamiast ukarać sprawcę, osądza Prawo, które jest nad nim, aby uwolnić przestępcę, osądzić i prześladować tylko wiernych katolików, którzy są posłuszni Prawu Bożemu. Bergoglio osądza Prawo Boże i stawia się ponad Bogiem.
Kościół ekskomunikował polityków aborcyjnych, komunistów i potępia …More
Bergoglio nadal wykazuje pogardę dla doktryny katolickiej. Bergoglio jest jak skorumpowany Sędzia, który zamiast ukarać sprawcę, osądza Prawo, które jest nad nim, aby uwolnić przestępcę, osądzić i prześladować tylko wiernych katolików, którzy są posłuszni Prawu Bożemu. Bergoglio osądza Prawo Boże i stawia się ponad Bogiem.
Kościół ekskomunikował polityków aborcyjnych, komunistów i potępia aborcję, cudzołóstwo i homoseksualizm.
Bergoglio zamiast przestrzegać Bożego prawa rzuca wyzwanie Bogu i stawia się po stronie wrogów Boga.
Holy Cannoli
She’s a decent looking babe - not a goddess but passable. However, there are several areas that need improvement.
#1. You roots are showing, Cupcake. 🤫
If you’re going to meet the pope and you know there will be lots of cameras taking lots of pictures that will likely be circulated around the world, why not make a trip to the beauty salon before you make the visit? 🤦
#2. This issue concerns the …More
She’s a decent looking babe - not a goddess but passable. However, there are several areas that need improvement.
#1. You roots are showing, Cupcake. 🤫

If you’re going to meet the pope and you know there will be lots of cameras taking lots of pictures that will likely be circulated around the world, why not make a trip to the beauty salon before you make the visit? 🤦

#2. This issue concerns the overall look of Fab’s hair style. I realize that many females today seem to prefer the anything goes au naturel look where the hair flows on either or both sides of the shoulders. Well ladies, this look indicates that you are too poor or too dense to realize that the look (as illustrated by Fabiola) is unrefined and, in many cases, can translate into “I’m here and ready for action.” 😘 😘

Try this, ladies. 👍

Or, ask Santa for a curling iron and put some vitality and glamour into your step. 😎
Someday y'all will thank me for the suggestions. 😇
Hair care and snarky styling advice? :D Better watch out Holy Cannoli or GTV's moron-squad will start askin' about your gender. :P Now let's dish about those scary over-plucked eyebrows and that horrible eye-shadow! Both are waaay too old for her...
Fabi should ask her son for help. Now there's a gurl who knows her way around a makeup palette! Meet Estanislao...More
Hair care and snarky styling advice? :D Better watch out Holy Cannoli or GTV's moron-squad will start askin' about your gender. :P Now let's dish about those scary over-plucked eyebrows and that horrible eye-shadow! Both are waaay too old for her...

Fabi should ask her son for help. Now there's a gurl who knows her way around a makeup palette! Meet Estanislao...
Holy Cannoli
Better watch out Holy Cannoli or GTV's moron-squad will start askin' about your gender.
Looking good can mean the difference in getting a new high paying job or even attracting that prospective Greek god or goddess of the opposite sex. Since non binary gender fluidity is now mainstream, I prefer to keep the men hoping I’m female (the few sentient, non moron-squad ones remaining at GTV) and the …More
Better watch out Holy Cannoli or GTV's moron-squad will start askin' about your gender.

Looking good can mean the difference in getting a new high paying job or even attracting that prospective Greek god or goddess of the opposite sex. Since non binary gender fluidity is now mainstream, I prefer to keep the men hoping I’m female (the few sentient, non moron-squad ones remaining at GTV) and the ladies jealous of having more competition. 🚬

Gender fluidity permits a man’s long locks (curled, of course) to flow over both shoulders or on special occasions pulled back into a loose braid pony tail or, when feeling especially frisky, a man bun. 😎

For the sake of discussion, let’s say I am male and you are female. Which of those looks do you prefer, Ultraviolet? Pony tail or man bun? 😲
This is proverbial "god-tier" trolling Holy Cannoli. Honour is due. Truly. I am in awe. Thank you for this. :)
Feeling frisky... :D It's a rare thing to see anyone outside of hair-stylists and fashion-writers use that word. -and even then only for women. The "frisky new looks for spring 2020"
"For the sake of discussion, let’s say I am male and you are female."
Ah... let's not. Not even for a …More
This is proverbial "god-tier" trolling Holy Cannoli. Honour is due. Truly. I am in awe. Thank you for this. :)

Feeling frisky... :D It's a rare thing to see anyone outside of hair-stylists and fashion-writers use that word. -and even then only for women. The "frisky new looks for spring 2020"

"For the sake of discussion, let’s say I am male and you are female."

Ah... let's not. Not even for a moment and for an important reason beyond throwing a big neener-neener to any unfriendly eyes reading this.

I don't have a preference for one hairstyle or another on a man because I'm not attracted to men.

Like most anyone, I can judge when a man meets the mainstream standards of "good-looking", but that's it. Richard Chamberlain, for example, was good-looking as a young man with short hair and clean-shaven. He was still good-looking as an older man with longer hair and a beard.

But I honestly don't have a preference for either style because, well, he's a guy.

I'm not gender-fluid or non-binary, so admittedly that puts me in a disadvantage. I'll ask and feel free to duck the question if it puts you on the spot for your own preferences... ponytail or bun? ;-)
Holy Cannoli
I would say that during our modern time long hair for men began with the Beatles and their mop top look. From there things evolved. Today men mousse, primp, tease, stiffen, curl, dye and who knows what else in order to keep in style spending nearly as much time as a woman on their hair. 🤦
There are biblical references that address the issue of men’s hair vs. women’s hair but they are …More
I would say that during our modern time long hair for men began with the Beatles and their mop top look. From there things evolved. Today men mousse, primp, tease, stiffen, curl, dye and who knows what else in order to keep in style spending nearly as much time as a woman on their hair. 🤦

There are biblical references that address the issue of men’s hair vs. women’s hair but they are not needed. I will not proof text and I despise the loons who do. 🤬

Suffice it to say that a pony tail or a man bun makes a male look like a wussy with the emphasis on “wuss.” Of course, that is my own personal opinion. However, in my limited direct experience, I find it to be true. 👌

So, what’s left?

Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street. 😎
You have a perceptive grasp of history and our culture, Holy Cannoli . I'll spare you a point by point "echo box", though.
Your emphasis on "wuss" brought a surprising reaction from Kasigi Yabu, but that's just his own personal opinion. :DMore
You have a perceptive grasp of history and our culture, Holy Cannoli . I'll spare you a point by point "echo box", though.

Your emphasis on "wuss" brought a surprising reaction from Kasigi Yabu, but that's just his own personal opinion. :D