
Netherlands allows assisted suicide for 29 year old woman with mental

31 January 2018 Aurelia Brouwers shortly before her death. Where does it end? On Saturday, a 29 year old woman who suffered from …
The can of worms has well and truly opened and they are all sliding out............
netherland laws are so secularistic ,anything goes over there
GodsCowboy thousands of protestant denominations interpret Bible as the only Law. Problem is there exist as many interpretations as there are denominations and more... For this reason Catholic Church, through HER members aided by Holy Spirit, has been given the right to interpret the Scripture...
@Rafał_Ovile Even the Catholic Church say Biblical Law (Scripture is GOD'S Laws) can't be changed. Sorry about your Thomas Aquinas thinking.
GodsCowboy read Aquinas' comment which is my starting point otherwise we'll go into 'sola scriptua' trap...
@Rafał_Ovile So who appointed you judge? Those are the exact words Jesus used when the two brother came to him. He said, "Who appointed me as your judge?"
GodsCowboy I will cite an objective authority of St. Thomas Aquinas on the matter of judgment:
"On the contrary, It is written (Deuteronomy 16:18): "Thou shalt appoint judges and magistrates in all thy gates . . . that they may judge the people with just judgment."
I answer that, Judgment is lawful in so far as it is an act of justice. Now it follows from what has been stated above (Article 1, …More
GodsCowboy I will cite an objective authority of St. Thomas Aquinas on the matter of judgment:
"On the contrary, It is written (Deuteronomy 16:18): "Thou shalt appoint judges and magistrates in all thy gates . . . that they may judge the people with just judgment."
I answer that, Judgment is lawful in so far as it is an act of justice. Now it follows from what has been stated above (Article 1, Replies to 1 and 3) that three conditions are requisite for a judgment to be an act of justice: first, that it proceed from the inclination of justice; secondly, that it come from one who is in authority; thirdly, that it be pronounced according to the right ruling of prudence. If any one of these be lacking, the judgment will be faulty and unlawful. First, when it is contrary to the rectitude of justice, and then it is called "perverted" or "unjust": secondly, when a man judges about matters wherein he has no authority, and this is called judgment "by usurpation": thirdly, when the reason lacks certainty, as when a man, without any solid motive, forms a judgment on some doubtful or hidden matter, and then it is called judgment by "suspicion" or "rash" judgment."
We are not to judge others. Remember, even Christ refused to judge between two brother. He also told those wanting to stone a prostitute, to let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.
So we have to ask ourselves are we without sin, before we attempt to judge our brother and/or sister.More
We are not to judge others. Remember, even Christ refused to judge between two brother. He also told those wanting to stone a prostitute, to let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.

So we have to ask ourselves are we without sin, before we attempt to judge our brother and/or sister.