Fr Isaac Mary Relyea, devil’s worst nightmare. If Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea ever became Pope. The devil would instantly tremble with fear and Most certainly beg the angels of God for mercy... Here are some …More
Fr Isaac Mary Relyea, devil’s worst nightmare.
If Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea ever became Pope.
The devil would instantly tremble with fear and Most certainly beg the angels of God for mercy...
Here are some things in my opinion, Fr Isaac would do as the Holy Father.
(1) His physical appearance, backed with brute strength Faith, would not only intimidate most feminine priests and bishops, but would cause them to second guess thier actions.
(2) Upon the announcement that he is our new pope, there would be somewhat of a “Trump” reaction in the Vatican. Most secret/corrupt cardinals and bishops would instantly try to resist this man as there leader. Politically correct news media outlets would have difficulty with his straight forward approach to questions. Most, if not all Liberals would take ever word this man says as insults because he can only hit people with the “raw truth”.
(3) He most likely would dismantle the Vatican 2 council with a sledge hammer. In other words, his street smart …More
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur shares this
Judy A Beck shares this
JP2 prayers with pagans and kissed the Quran, and considered that pagans could be saved as pagan by God, and he was a pre V2 bishop, an auxiliary. Benedict explicitly held that parts of the Gospels were myths (eg when the Jews at His trial call a curse on themselves) and that Jews need not convert. A Catholic Pope will require a miracle.
At this point the entire world will require a miracle, it’s so upside down...
What have I ’spinned’?. The Blessed Virgin Mary was most likely NOT barefoot, unless you have evidence to the contrary. You’ve obviously been sheltered from the vulgar side of life - I don’t know how - but this ‘phrase’ is used by a certain type of male who believes that women are only good for two things and only have uses in two rooms - the kitchen (probably for cooking) and the bedroom ( …More
What have I ’spinned’?. The Blessed Virgin Mary was most likely NOT barefoot, unless you have evidence to the contrary. You’ve obviously been sheltered from the vulgar side of life - I don’t know how - but this ‘phrase’ is used by a certain type of male who believes that women are only good for two things and only have uses in two rooms - the kitchen (probably for cooking) and the bedroom ( probably for sex). They also think that women should be ‘barefoot and pregnant ‘. It’s rather surprising to hear a Catholic Priest expressing the same offensive and then laughing at his own ‘joke’. But let’s be generous and assume he didn’t know what he was talking about. And just what exactly has poverty to do with any of this?
Child of Our Lady
I can listen to Fr. Isaac preach all day! I love his style. He says things others have said in the past. But, his delivery is smack in your face. Don't give me watered down nonsense. Preach the truth in & out of season. God bless you Fr. Isaac!! Keep fighting the good fight.
You would not last for 2 minutes in Fr.Issac’s sermons. Unfortunately, The Virgin Mary was barefoot and Pregnant !!! The Holy Family was very poor. So what in the world are you talking about?? Where is your humility. You take people’s words and spin them ? For what?
You would not last for 2 minutes in Fr.Issac’s sermons. Unfortunately, The Virgin Mary was barefoot and Pregnant !!! The Holy Family was very poor. So what in the world are you talking about?? Where is your humility. You take people’s words and spin them ? For what?

Dr Bobus
The Holy Family was not "very poor".
That is a judgmental statement and he never said or ment it like that. Tomorrow go to confession for passing judgement on an ordained man!!!
I smell liberal in you...More
That is a judgmental statement and he never said or ment it like that. Tomorrow go to confession for passing judgement on an ordained man!!!

I smell liberal in you...
The man who believes women should be ‘barefoot and pregnant’. Yeah - way to go.
You would not last for 2 minutes in Fr.Issac’s sermons. Unfortunately, The Virgin Mary was barefoot and Pregnant !!! The Holy Family was very poor. So what in the world are you talking about?? Where is your humility. You take people’s words and spin them ? For what?
You would not last for 2 minutes in Fr.Issac’s sermons. Unfortunately, The Virgin Mary was barefoot and Pregnant !!! The Holy Family was very poor. So what in the world are you talking about?? Where is your humility. You take people’s words and spin them ? For what?

I find it amazing, how if you put one real person in a room who starts speaking the truth, immediately you can notice the snakes in the crowd...