
Jim Caviezel, "We Have A Rothschild Pope"

"We're in an apocalyptic moment right now," Jim Caviezel, 54, who played Jesus in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, told Bannon's War Room podcast (18 May).

The Bible is being taken away from us and we are supposed to go along with homosex ideology, he added: "Where is our Pope? Why is he not speaking out when poor Catholics are being ripped to kingdom come by the FBI?"

Caviezel speaks of a tentacle, an octopus with arms, fighting Church and the nation: "But you got to go after the head of the octopus in this case."

For him, the head are the central banks, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the private Western central banks, the Bank for International Settlements, the Rothschild banks. "We have a Rothschild pope," he concludes.

Caviezel knows that it is not the senile Biden who runs the USA, but the puppeteers behind him.

He hopes that "God is coming" and expects "a big storm" and "they know it".


Iwona I Sebastian
Alejandrina Reyes
Sedevakantistický kanál
Hi, this is a message for followers of actor of J. Caviezel and Actor himself:
J. Caviezel is very immoral and has not done public penance for his wicked adultery, he has not apologised for his year after year evil behaviour, kissing and making intimate scenes with actresses whilst being married; he even went to defend his kissing scene with J Lo, deceiving himself and others, that if she puts a …More
Hi, this is a message for followers of actor of J. Caviezel and Actor himself:
J. Caviezel is very immoral and has not done public penance for his wicked adultery, he has not apologised for his year after year evil behaviour, kissing and making intimate scenes with actresses whilst being married; he even went to defend his kissing scene with J Lo, deceiving himself and others, that if she puts a shirt on, that it will make a difference. No it does not make a difference: it is wicked. So, he can make interviews, pretend like he is serious and loves Christ, but the fact is, he is not a role model, he is wicked child of devil, on road to Hell. He is a deception.
Also he is deceived at this point, like many people around, who are still recognising apostate antipope Francis as head of Church. You have to believe dogma, Magisterium and that Catholic faith is absolutely necessary for salvation, and also necessary for membership in the Church. So no, Francis is not Catholic, and thus not a head of The Church; people should wake up and embrace the truth, otherwise, obstinately closing eyes to problem will lead them to Hell. See latest act of blatant heresy by Francis here: Francis Gives Non-Catholics A Feast Day! - Blatant Heresy - EndTimes.Video
Credo .
In all your charity Sedevakantisticky kanal. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners, pray for the conversion of Pope Francis, and pray for Jim Caviezel who is in a very bad space at the moment. We are all poor sinners.
No matter what your perception. In reality, simply said, Jim is in desperate need of our charitable prayers. For myself and my family it is a simple matter of adding Jim's name in …
In all your charity Sedevakantisticky kanal. Pray for the conversion of poor sinners, pray for the conversion of Pope Francis, and pray for Jim Caviezel who is in a very bad space at the moment. We are all poor sinners.
No matter what your perception. In reality, simply said, Jim is in desperate need of our charitable prayers. For myself and my family it is a simple matter of adding Jim's name in our rosary intentions.
Sedevakantistický kanál
It is nothing wrong with praying for Jim Caviezel's true conversion, but you are completely wrong on antipope Francis. He is not Catholic, and he is not the pope. It is crucial to recognise that he leads a false religion, Vatican II Sect, and not the Catholic Church, more on that here in this must see video: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican - EndTimes.Video
Carol H
Credo is not wrong. You are. Why? Because you espouse dogmatically as if you have the authority to do so. Do you have authority over the Pope? Do have the authority to make dogmatic judgements on him? No you don't. Regardless of whether he is a material heritic or not, Church Law stands. And that means only another Pope or a conclave of cardinals can legally declare on whether Pope Francis is the …More
Credo is not wrong. You are. Why? Because you espouse dogmatically as if you have the authority to do so. Do you have authority over the Pope? Do have the authority to make dogmatic judgements on him? No you don't. Regardless of whether he is a material heritic or not, Church Law stands. And that means only another Pope or a conclave of cardinals can legally declare on whether Pope Francis is the Pope or not. Furthermore, most of us here can make the distinction between the bad spirit that has hijacked the Vatican and the Vatican itself: We know Pope Francis is leading his flock astray. We know that Vatican II was a dangerous disaster. But we also know that Christ promised that the gates of hell would never prevail against His Church which stands upon the Papal Rock. Sure, the Church is being tossed about by a storm, but it will not sink. As for Mr. Caviezel - don't be so harsh on him. You can see the pain in his face - he is confused, angry, scared. He is going through "an awakening" and that always takes time to process. He has also been faced with tempatations you or I have never faced. I think for a Hollywood actor he has come out the other-side pretty well. May Our Blessed Mother protect him and guide him safely through the minefield he is in and reward him for his courage to speak out against the horrors that the New World Order is unleashing. We too will add him in our family rosary :)
Sedevakantistický kanál
@Carol H Material heretic is a loose term to describe a Catholic erring in good faith. You cannot say that about apostate and manifest heretic Francis. What you say is blatantly heretical. I am not wrong. You are dead wrong and clueless, as I have just proven.
Here apostate antipope Francis says traditional Catholicism is "idolatry": Francis explicitly rejects absolute truth (dogma), says belief …More
@Carol H Material heretic is a loose term to describe a Catholic erring in good faith. You cannot say that about apostate and manifest heretic Francis. What you say is blatantly heretical. I am not wrong. You are dead wrong and clueless, as I have just proven.

Here apostate antipope Francis says traditional Catholicism is "idolatry": Francis explicitly rejects absolute truth (dogma), says belief in it is "evil" and "idolatry"

Heretic cannot be pope, that is a divine law, it is also well rooted in canon law. Heretic, since he is not a member of Church, since he is outside, cannot hold office in Church.

These are relevant dogmas to the point:

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29, 1896: "No one, therefore, unless in communion with Peter can share in his authority, since it is absurd to imagine that he who is outside can command in the Church.”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, "Cantate Domino," 1441, ex cathedra: "The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives"

St. Antoninus (1459): "In the case in which the pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. A pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church. He could not be a heretic and remain pope, because, since he is outside of the Church, he cannot possess the keys of the Church."

To continue argue after this point, is heresy and apostasy. People are obliged to recognise dogmatic facts, dogmas, and facts flowing from dogmas (i.e. that manifest non-believer cannot be head of Church, as the dogmas prove).

Also, pope has a supreme authority, and cannot be deposed by cardinals. He can loose office automatically through heresy, but cannot be deposed by those of lower rank. First see cannot be judged (that is a dogma), so what you propose is schismatic and heretical.

As regards to Caviezel. No, I am not harsh on him. You simply lack Christian charity. You simply lack hatred towards evil, and your position will lead you to Hell. You think God is a joke, and that Caviezel is not so bad at this point, that he is free to make love on stage with other women, to commit adultery, for the cameras and for the whole world, and that thing does not matter to you.

We don’t need people who are more concerned with making sure evil men are respected than that evil men are denounced. We need those who love the Lord and therefore hate evil. Psalm 96:10- "You that love the Lord, hate evil..."

For when people who are unwilling, unable or uninclined to be combative, to refuse people, to offend people, and yes, to condemn people – when those individuals attempt to deal with or teach God’s truths, they will undoubtedly compromise those truths in order to please others.
la verdad prevalece
The head of the octopus of the Anti-Church is called Jorge Mario BergogLIO