
Synod: “Winds Of WORLD Can Now Blow In the Church” - Cardinal Grech

Cardinal Grech, Secretary General of Francis' Synod, fears “those who are opposing the people of God [= oligarchs' media] and the hierarchy [= anti-Catholic bishops]”, he told EWTN.com (May 22).

The homosexualist claimed that the Francis Synod will only talk about "synodality" and that homosexualism will not be addressed by it. He added that the synod “will help us to become more spiritual because the winds of the world now can blow also in the Church.”

Grech believes that the German Synod is sending “negative vibes to all the Church”. Having been in Africa or in Bangkog he listened to people "who were a bit hesitant, worried, about what was taking place in Germany.”

However, neo-conservative broadcaster EWTN, Grech and the German Synod are but different facets of the same group shadow-boxing to screw ordinary Catholics.

Picture: Mario Grech © EWTN.com, #newsSziihbrrtk

Wilma Lopez shares this
Full transcript of the interview with Cardinal Grech:
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Winds of the world can now blow in the Church"? Maybe not for long!
Louis IX
This fallen world has nothing to teach Holy Mother Church. Quite the contrary.
Is ''winds of the world '' a code for Satan's smokes?
Jan Joseph
De Kardinaal gaat er vanuit dat het een kerk is met een geloof, terwijl het een kerk is met meerdere totaal verschillende geloven.
Ursula Sankt