Cardinal George Apologizes to Gays

Photo ~ Cardinal Francis George answers questions from the press before visiting the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago on Dec. 25, 2011. (Nancy Stone, Chicago Tribune)

Cardinal George apologizes for remarks comparing gay rights movement to KKK
'I was speaking out of fear that I have for the church's liberty,' says head of Chicago Archdiocese

Chicago's Cardinal Francis George apologized Friday for remarks aired on Christmas Day comparing the gay pride parade to the Ku Klux Klan.

"I am truly sorry for the hurt my remarks have caused," George said in an interview with the Tribune.

"Particularly because we all have friends or family members who are gay and lesbian. This has evidently wounded a good number of people. I have family members myself who are gay and lesbian, so it's part of our lives. So I'm sorry for the hurt."

Chris Pett, president of Dignity Chicago, an independent ministry for gay, lesbian and transgender Catholics, welcomed the cardinal's apology.

Chicago Tribune
Bob Jones papist
Gay marriage a threat to humanity's future - Pope
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict said Monday that gay marriage was one of several threats to the traditional family that undermined "the future of humanity itself."January 9, 2012. REUTERS/Pier Paolo Cito/Pool
The pope made some of his strongest comments against gay marriage in a new year address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican …More
Gay marriage a threat to humanity's future - Pope
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict said Monday that gay marriage was one of several threats to the traditional family that undermined "the future of humanity itself."January 9, 2012. REUTERS/Pier Paolo Cito/Pool
The pope made some of his strongest comments against gay marriage in a new year address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican in which he touched on some economic and social issues facing the world today.
He told diplomats from nearly 180 countries that the education of children needed proper "settings" and that "pride of place goes to the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman."
"This is not a simple social convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society. Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself," he said.
The Vatican and Catholic officials around the world have protested against moves to legalise gay marriage in Europe and other developed parts of the world.
One leading opponent of gay marriage in the United States is New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, whom the pope will elevate to cardinal next month.
Dolan fought against gay marriage before it became legal in New York state last June, and in September he sent a letter to President Barack Obama criticising his administration's decision not to support a federal ban on gay marriage.
In that letter Dolan, who holds the powerful post of president of the U.S. Bishops Conference, said such a policy could "precipitate a national conflict between church and state of enormous proportions."
The Roman Catholic Church, which has some 1.3 billion members worldwide, teaches that while homosexual tendencies are not sinful, homosexual acts are, and that children should grow up in a traditional family with a mother and a father.
"The family unit is fundamental for the educational process and for the development both of individuals and states; hence there is a need for policies which promote the family and aid social cohesion and dialogue," Benedict told the diplomats.
Gay marriage is legal in Canada and a number of European countries, including Spain and the Netherlands.
Some Churches that have allowed gay marriage, women priests, gay clergy and gay bishops have been losing members to Catholicism, and the Vatican has taken steps to facilitate their conversion.
In 2009, Benedict decreed that Anglicans who leave their Church, many because they feel it has become too liberal, can find a home in Catholicism in a parallel hierarchy that allows them to keep some of their traditions.
The Vatican has since set up "ordinariates," structures similar to dioceses, in Britain and the United States to oversee ex-Anglicans who have converted and be a point of contact for those wishing to do so.
2012 Reuters ✍️
Cardinals, Bishops and Archbishops are woosies (I really wanted to use another word, but for the sake of decency I stopped myself).
It could be 1 of 2 things.
1st they are cowards.
2nd several of them are actually queers, and tacitly support their brethren in Chiffon and lace, and pink + lavender fufus.More
Cardinals, Bishops and Archbishops are woosies (I really wanted to use another word, but for the sake of decency I stopped myself).

It could be 1 of 2 things.
1st they are cowards.
2nd several of them are actually queers, and tacitly support their brethren in Chiffon and lace, and pink + lavender fufus.
Cardinal George should say it loud and clear, "Anal and oral sex and man-on-man sex is an abomination. You are going to hell. I personally want to send each and every one of you Fairy there."
Attempts to be virtuous that are joined to disobedience to the will of God, no matter how good they may appear, will actually work for our damnation.
-- St. Thomas More
Giovanni A. Cattaneo
During the Roman persecution of the Church, the Christian faithful and specially its clerics were persecuted with ruthless efficiency and made to face Lions and other beasts in the Colosseum for the entertainment of the masses. These brave Martyrs and Saints gave their lives for Christ. As they would much rather face and experience death than to give in and call Truth a lie and worship at the altar …More
During the Roman persecution of the Church, the Christian faithful and specially its clerics were persecuted with ruthless efficiency and made to face Lions and other beasts in the Colosseum for the entertainment of the masses. These brave Martyrs and Saints gave their lives for Christ. As they would much rather face and experience death than to give in and call Truth a lie and worship at the altar of false gods.

During the current persecution of the Church only need a sinner be offended to be called what he does a sin in order for the Church's shepherds to kneel before the altar of public opinion and forsake their sacred vows to the One True God. Let us of course not forget the Fledger affair in which Card. George once again submitted to public opposition. Thus another prince of the Church fails his calling.

JPII use to talk about the "new Springtime" and the fruits of the Council. Yeah I see them.
about 150 AD:
-Go there and burn the incense, you don't have to tell them you believe it, just light it up.
2012 AD:
-Go there and say "I am sorry", you don't have to tell them you approve it.More
about 150 AD:
-Go there and burn the incense, you don't have to tell them you believe it, just light it up.

2012 AD:
-Go there and say "I am sorry", you don't have to tell them you approve it.
Holy Cannoli
We are called to admonish people when they are wrong, but we are to do it with charity.
You can pray, fast and sacrifice till hell freezes and you've done nothing to achieve the reformation of unrepentant sinners. Ora et Labora and the labora here is to admonish sinners.
Indeed, Directly Admonishing Sinners May Mean Their Salvation. Yet, nowhere in the Cardinal's remarks (or in yours) is it mentioned. …More
We are called to admonish people when they are wrong, but we are to do it with charity.

You can pray, fast and sacrifice till hell freezes and you've done nothing to achieve the reformation of unrepentant sinners. Ora et Labora and the labora here is to admonish sinners.

Indeed, Directly Admonishing Sinners May Mean Their Salvation. Yet, nowhere in the Cardinal's remarks (or in yours) is it mentioned.

.. their temptations are greater than ours,their battles much more worse than ours.

How in the world would you know? I'm very tempted to "romance" good looking women with regularity yet I do not act on those temptations. Why should a different set of requirements apply to homos? It's called "keeping 'it' in your pants" and it's about time the homos started to understand that simple concept. But they never will as long as men like Cardinal George (and you) use soft words and refuse to speak unambiguously and with conviction regarding what homos must do not do in order to achieve salvation.

St. John the Baptist calls the Pharisees a "race of vipers"; Jesus Christ, Our Divine Savior, hurls at them the epithets "hypocrites, whitened sepulchres, a perverse and adulterous generation."

St. Paul criticizes the schismatic Cretians as "always liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies." The same Apostle calls Elymas the magician a "seducer, full of guile and deceit, a child of the devil, and enemy of all justice."

The Fathers of the Church exercised the same vigorous castigation of heresy and heretics. The gentle St. Bernard did not honey his words when he attacked the enemies of the Faith. Addressing Arnold of Brescia, the great Liberal agitator of his times, he calls him in his letters, "seducer, vase of injuries, scorpion, cruel wolf."

The Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, forgets the calm of his cold syllogisms when he hurls his violent attacks against William of St. Amour, and his disciples; "Enemies of God, ministers of the devil, members of antichrist, ignorami, perverts, reprobates!"

But in this "enlightened" time, in prances post VC-II modernists preaching the following cr*p:

their temptations are greater than ours, their battles much more worse than ours.
We are called to admonish people when they are wrong, but we are to do it with charity. We need to pray, fast and sacrifice for them, as their temptations are greater than ours, their battles much more worse than ours. Let us pray more, and sacrifice more for them, and may God bless them and us all. God Bless you.
Holy Cannoli
Why didn't you use this as a 'teaching moment', Cardinal George?
Why didn't you deviate slightly from the "pastoral" psychobable that is part of Amchurch lingo and say something meaningful for a change? Why didn't you again tell the sodomites that they MUST NOT be actively engaged in the sin of sodomy and that there are groups endorsed by the Catholic Church that can help them reform?
Why didn't …More
Why didn't you use this as a 'teaching moment', Cardinal George?

Why didn't you deviate slightly from the "pastoral" psychobable that is part of Amchurch lingo and say something meaningful for a change? Why didn't you again tell the sodomites that they MUST NOT be actively engaged in the sin of sodomy and that there are groups endorsed by the Catholic Church that can help them reform?

Why didn't you do this, Cardinal George?

Instead, Cardinal George has returned to his usual noodle-spined self.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comment from a reader:
Cardinal George doesn’t do his job, so why should he remain in it?
He is silent while pro-abortion “Catholics” receive Communion. This makes him complicit in repeated sacrilegious, scandalous Communions.
And he has caved repeatedly when defied by Michael Pfleger, noted gang toady, political campaigner, and liturgical atrocitist.
Cardinal George is one of many bishops who …
Comment from a reader:

Cardinal George doesn’t do his job, so why should he remain in it?

He is silent while pro-abortion “Catholics” receive Communion. This makes him complicit in repeated sacrilegious, scandalous Communions.

And he has caved repeatedly when defied by Michael Pfleger, noted gang toady, political campaigner, and liturgical atrocitist.

Cardinal George is one of many bishops who allow big, pro-abortion donors to Catholic schools and Catholic charities to dictate that the Church’s opposition to abortion, euthanasia, etc., are to be soft-pedaled.
by Arthur McGowan