
Cardinal Marx Refuses to Accept Vatican Ruling

The press speaker of the German bishops has commented on the refusal of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to back the [sacrilegious] German proposal to give Holy Communion to non-Catholics. …More
The press speaker of the German bishops has commented on the refusal of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to back the [sacrilegious] German proposal to give Holy Communion to non-Catholics.
The press statement recalls that during a May meeting in Rome a delegation of German bishops was told to find an "unanimous" agreement regarding Protestant Communion, adding,
"The Chairman [Cardinal Marx] is therefore surprised that even before finding such a unanimous agreement, this letter has now arrived from Rome."
Marx is not ready to accept the ruling. According to the press speaker he sees a further need for debate among the German bishops as well as with the Vatican and with Francis.
Picture: Reinhard Marx, © Universität Salzburg (PR), CC BY, #newsYesxmwjubo
De Profundis
Before it was a "no" to German Cdl Marx's protestants intercommunion plans. Today it's "wait for legislation". Surely that can only mean a change is coming, otherwise they'd just say "no"
Ed of Ct. Usa
Time for Pope Francis to remove these Apostate bishops in Germany etc... Next he needs to fire the useless bishops in Ireland and Belgium for their refusal to oppose homosexual and abortionist gov. dismantling of Catholic Schools colleges and laws against abortion and sodomy.
Francis' u-turn over Potestant communion was due to the opposition of so many bishops and therefore a significant defeat for Francis.
Roberto 55
Marx has his own protestant faith.
The Church always seems to be behind the times, when it is really beyond the times; it is waiting till the last fad shall have seen its last summer. It keeps the key of a permanent virtue.