
Polish Regime Repeats Infanticide of Bethlehem

On 22 February, the Lower House of the Polish Parliament passed a law authorising access to the "morning-after pill" from the age of 15 without a prescription, by 224 votes to 196.

The text must now be debated in the Senate before being promulgated by the President of the Republic. The President's position remains uncertain, as his advisers have expressed reservations about the age of access to the pill.

Recently, a bill was tabled to authorise abortion up to 12 weeks.

Poland is among the countries with the lowest birth-rate in the world.

Picture: © Robin Marty, CC BY, #newsLtysjjrpwb

alfred dunn
Poland is lost.
@alfred dunn Not yet, my friend, not yet. Let’s keep hope alive with prayer. We must believe that the Light will shine in the darkness once again in that beautiful land. Poland was the Mother of Pope Saint John Paul the Great. She’s not done for yet.
Donald Tusk?
English Catholic
@Adrien Exactly. Everything will go downhill rapidly with him as Prime Minister. Poland’s PM Donald Tusk wants to expand gay rights ‘within weeks’ He's also a member of WEF: weforum.org/people/donald-tusk/