Poland: While the Vatican 'Blesses' Homosexual Sin...

Of the 272,700 births recorded in Poland in 2023, more than 15,000 were to mothers of foreign origin.

This represents 5.5% of the total number of births in the country. Of these foreign births, 12,800 were to Ukrainian mothers.

The annual number of births in Poland fell by 11% last year. Over the past 30 years, the number of births in Poland has fallen by 40%.

Poland has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, along with other formerly Catholic countries such as Puerto Rico, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Slovenia.

Meanwhile, in the Vatican, Bergoglio, Fernández and Co. are obsessed with propagating homosexual sins.

Picture: © Patrick Franzis, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAzymqsuqep
alfred dunn
That does not help Poland.
P. O'B
This is part of the New Springtime of Vatican II.
Low birth rate = Widespread contraception + sending girls to school after 14 yo
Many young Poles have emigrated and have having babies elsewhere.
Also many Polish women have an abortion (34 thousand per year known) despite the state ban.