
Handwritten Letter: Francis Flirts with Homosexual Transvestite

Italian transvestite activist A. Nobile, 43, who disguises himself as a woman and reportedly underwent castration has received a handwritten letter from Francis in which he calls him "dear sister" (…More
Italian transvestite activist A. Nobile, 43, who disguises himself as a woman and reportedly underwent castration has received a handwritten letter from Francis in which he calls him "dear sister" (InfoVaticana.com, October 31).
Francis has met Nobile on several occasions during his weekly (!) audiences for homosexual prostitutes. In the letter, sentimental Francis writes that he “was touched” by an email Nobile sent him.
“I agree with you on the problem of prejudice - it hurts so much!" - writes Francis, a leading promoter of prejudices against Catholics, "In God's eyes we are all his children, and that's what counts! We have a Father who loves us, who is close with compassion and tenderness. To all, no one excluded." This assertion contradicts what Christ says in the Gospel.
For Francis, "God's style" is "closeness, compassion, tenderness" - which is not Francis' style. "I pray for you, do it for me. May the Lord bless you and Our Lady keep you. Fraternally, Francis,” he ends his love …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sorry, but I just had to post about this. Francis is such a hypochondriac. A bad knee, and sore after therapy is NOTHING. I tore my rotator cuff working out in the gym, it hurt like heck, but I still went to school and taught 7 straight classes, and didn't whine "poor me". John Paul II had at least 3 major and fatal diseases, and yet he kept going till the end without whinning about how bad he felt …More
Sorry, but I just had to post about this. Francis is such a hypochondriac. A bad knee, and sore after therapy is NOTHING. I tore my rotator cuff working out in the gym, it hurt like heck, but I still went to school and taught 7 straight classes, and didn't whine "poor me". John Paul II had at least 3 major and fatal diseases, and yet he kept going till the end without whinning about how bad he felt. Paul VI had polyarthritis and osteoarthritis throughout his entire body (even holding a fork was painful in his fingers and wrist), but he never whinned and cried "I'm in pain, feel sorry for me!!" None of us let on we were feeling bad. If Francis had a terminal illness, I'd have sympathy for him. But apparently he doesn't.... it's just a sore knee after therapy. Not a heart attack or stroke. Complain when you're really sick, Francis. Which you're apparently not.
You aught to have more respect for the pope and stop forming your mindset against him from the internet.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Crybaby Francis told reporters on his way to Bahrain that he's in great pain. It's only a knee. Boo hoo hoo!!!
la verdad prevalece
More evidence of Bergoglio's apostasy, who openly rebels against the Divine Natural Law.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This alone should be enough to get some wimpy Cardinals and bishops off their spines and mount a campaign to force this scumbag out. Francis is nothing but an embarassment and a scandal to the Catholic Church. He and his people are interested in only 1 thing....to promote homosexuality in the Church and society. Absolutely WORTHLESS Cardinals and Bishops not to confront him and his people.
Sancte Teotónio
So the ones who chosed him are going to kick him out? Seems very unlikely since Bergoglio is doing the perfect job for the new world order.
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur shares this
P. O'B
"Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”
Alexander Pope (a pope who speaks the truth.)More
"Vice is a monster of so frightful mien
As to be hated needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

Alexander Pope (a pope who speaks the truth.)