
Transvestites: Weekly Feast For Francis' Eyes

Francis receives a group of transvestites [who work as homosexual prostitutes] every Wednesday at his empty general audiences, writes Vatican newspaper OsservatoreRomano.va (19 October).

They are led by the notorious parish-priest of Torvaianica Andrea Conocchia and Sister Geneviève Jeanningros. Both encourage the homosexuals to continue with prostitution.

Jeanningros said it was an "extraordinary experience" for the prostitutes to "feel welcomed by the Pope", as if this would change something about their misery.

Conocchia added that it is a "gift of encounter, welcome and listening" that "touches" the hearts of the prostitutes.

Before the homosexual Novus Ordo clergy undermined the Church, she helped prostitutes out of their sin and misery.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYefbdnjasd

J G Tasan
This had happened during the time of St. Paul --> prostitution in the temples of the Greeks and the Romans!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis must get excited every time he sees transexual/transvestite homo prostitutes at his General Audiences.
And when the anti-Christ declares himself, Francis will invite him to dinner...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe Francis already is the anti-Christ. He certainly fits the description from history
Francis is more the false prophet, ushering in the anti-Christ. Our Lady of La Sallette said the anti-Christ would be the son of a bishop and a "Hebrew nun" (whatever that means).
As a tradional minded Catholic visiting Rome, I often wondered why I could never get an audience with the pope?
P. O'B
Well, now you know how!
Darrell J Roman
Maybe if the Dubia Cardinals dressed up in Drag, they would have gotten an audience a long time ago... He is a destroyer of the Church... I am sick and tired of him and the bile that comes out of his mouth.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's moral depravity is yet another proof of his complete apostasy and proof that he is not a legitimate pope because Bergoglio's rebellion against divine natural law began in Argentina and the Magisterium of the Church teaches that the elevation of a heretic to the papacy is invalid and void. He and his homosexual accomplices have achieved the complete destruction and decline of the Jesuit …More
Bergoglio's moral depravity is yet another proof of his complete apostasy and proof that he is not a legitimate pope because Bergoglio's rebellion against divine natural law began in Argentina and the Magisterium of the Church teaches that the elevation of a heretic to the papacy is invalid and void. He and his homosexual accomplices have achieved the complete destruction and decline of the Jesuit order.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Groups of traditional/conservative/orthodox Catholics should gather all these photos and information together, document all the homos Francis allows in his Vatican offices, all his homo appointees, all his transgressions against Catholic teachings, and then mount a huge campaign to discredit him publically, and force him and his people out.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Remember it was Polish Cardinal Krajewski who originally ushered a group of transvestite and transexual prostitutes into the Vatican to see Bergoglio. He's probably gay, anyone who would promote these people as acceptable to enter a papal audience.
Of course, Bergoglio would be thrilled if they started their act right in front of him. I would not be surprised if they had a "drag show" as part of …More
Remember it was Polish Cardinal Krajewski who originally ushered a group of transvestite and transexual prostitutes into the Vatican to see Bergoglio. He's probably gay, anyone who would promote these people as acceptable to enter a papal audience.
Of course, Bergoglio would be thrilled if they started their act right in front of him. I would not be surprised if they had a "drag show" as part of the entertainment at a papal audience one day.
John Fritz Logan
I am not sure. I read that that cardinal is actually Conservative including regarding liturgy. I think he mainly just follows Francis' order and tries to appear 'merciful'.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
In that case, he's not as bad as I thought. His "merciful" nature should be directed at more acceptable people, such as the poor, the homeless(not homosexuals), and the aged.