
Cardinal Hollerich Projects Novus Ordo Group Problems onto Catholics

Homosexualist Jean-Claude Hollerich (Luxembourg's Cardinal), relator general of the Synod on Synods, stated that the disastrous Vatican II “saved the Church” [sic!].

He told VidaNuevaDigital (17 October): "If we had not had this point of reform [sic!], which was Vatican II, the Church today would be a small sect, unknown to most people" - which is indeed the current state of the Novus Ordo Church.

Hollerich lamented that the strongest opposition to the failed Vatican II came from "the traditionalists," who "are also, curiously, a postmodern phenomenon." Resistance to failure, however, is not "postmodern" but reasonable.

According to Hollerich, these Catholics "just choose a reference point in history without looking before and after" and, like a Netflix series, "tell part of the story, but invented, not real."

Psychology would call such a claim "mirroring", because Hollerich projects onto Catholics the ideology that Church and Liturgy were invented at Vatican II.

Picture: Jean-Claude Hollerich © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsGmgvaurhbv

Wilma Lopez shares this
This is called propaganda: a narrative that does not correspond to reality...
Lisi Sterndorfer
Cardinal Hollerich expresses the dark heart of the Bergoglian heresy “Today we must adapt to the changing mindsets." For him Christianity is no longer being transformed into the mind of Christ.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Hollerich is probably gay. So are probably Krajewski,Gregory,upich,Tobin,Archbishop Paglia, Cardinal Marx, deKestel(Belgium), Zuppi,Tagle, etc.etc...........Bergoglio???
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Thank you Antoni ! It proves what cowards most of the decent Cardinals and Bishops are, that they don't "open their mouths" about this. I read once that the infiltration of homos into the Vatican began under Paul VI (who was rumored in the 1950''s to be homo, which they say is why Pius XII sacked him from the Vatican Curial and moved him to Milan, without ever making him a Cardinal in 1954. That …More
Thank you Antoni ! It proves what cowards most of the decent Cardinals and Bishops are, that they don't "open their mouths" about this. I read once that the infiltration of homos into the Vatican began under Paul VI (who was rumored in the 1950''s to be homo, which they say is why Pius XII sacked him from the Vatican Curial and moved him to Milan, without ever making him a Cardinal in 1954. That was his opportunity as Archbishop of Milan, and he was passed over...on purpose.
At first, I believed that Francis was just a radical liberal. More and more I believe he is much more than that. He is genuinely evil, bent on destroying the Catholic Faith and Church, persecuting good Catholics and promoting homosexuality and other perversions. With all this emphasis on homosexuality in the Church, I believe you...that the prelates you named, and the ones I did, are homos...and many more. I wish the Lord would get rid of Francis and his people, in whatever way he choses....before 2023. What a shock for all these homos and homo lovers if we got a true orthodox and Catholic Pope, who cleaned house of them, and cancelled out Francis' anticipated "Synod on Synodality".
John Fritz Logan
@Antoni Baio Jilguero Not most, but all the ones you described are indeed bad cardinals and suspect.
Thankfully all those cardinals together with McElroy, Roche, Gracias, Schonbörn, Maradagia and so on. Only make up 40 or 41 cardinals.
Just short off a 1/3+1 veto block for the next conclave.
Off Francis' recent 16 cardinals only 4 seem bad, MAYBE 5, but 2 have openly supported anti-sodomy laws, a …More
@Antoni Baio Jilguero Not most, but all the ones you described are indeed bad cardinals and suspect.

Thankfully all those cardinals together with McElroy, Roche, Gracias, Schonbörn, Maradagia and so on. Only make up 40 or 41 cardinals.

Just short off a 1/3+1 veto block for the next conclave.

Off Francis' recent 16 cardinals only 4 seem bad, MAYBE 5, but 2 have openly supported anti-sodomy laws, a third opposed LGBT as well, fourth supported Tridentine mass, fifth opposed syncretism in Mongolia (bad Francis didn't know that lol)... It was almost a miracle, the last consistory.

If Francis dies during the first 3 months of next year, after Cardinal Maradagia turns 80 but before Cardinal Duka does so... the conclave looks surprisingly optimistic...