Captain of the Titanic Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsJxkycpzzlmMore
Captain of the Titanic
Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsJxkycpzzlm
Carol H
The whole cartoon is misleading. "Upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." The rock is the papacy. Yet what does the cartoon show? It shows the Papal ship sinking and the little seperate boats floating away. In other words, it portrays the gates of hell as having prevailed against the Church and the faithful jumping ship. That's the message. And its …More
The whole cartoon is misleading. "Upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." The rock is the papacy. Yet what does the cartoon show? It shows the Papal ship sinking and the little seperate boats floating away. In other words, it portrays the gates of hell as having prevailed against the Church and the faithful jumping ship. That's the message. And its a dangerous one that challenges the words of Christ. Our "lifeboat" is the Papal ship. There is no other ark that can save us from the storm. And yes, at the moment it does feel as if it is sinking and that "Christ" is, not only letting it happen, but is fueling the storm. But He will wake up and a true son of the Church will take the helm. I love the eternal Mass of our fathers and I fully understand what is happening and what has happened to our beloved Church. I fully understand that we have a Pope who is betraying us. But that's the very reson why I became a 'traditonal Catholic'; to stand fast and defend my Church against this very betrayal. It's a divine institution and despite all the huge waves pounding it, and a captain who in double dealing with pirates, it will not sink.
Laura Yunque
The Catholic Church is in the lifeboats. What is sinking is the False Church.
May the Novus Ordo so called Church rot until nothing is left
Carol H
Agree with Strong and Steadfast; The Church will NOT sink. Christ promised. Thus, we remain on board doing our daily duty and being the part of the solution that plugs the leaks. Pope Frances may attempt to steer it in the wrong direction (as we have witnessed) but ultimately he will fail because his office and the ship are divine.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How true!!!!!