
USA: Spying against Catholics Swept under the Carpet

The FBI insists that the public has no right to records of its spying activities on Latin Mass Catholics.

It was forced to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request from CatholicVote, an advocacy group.

During a recent hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray, distanced himself [in words] from the spying calling it “aghast”. He ordered the memo against Catholics to be “withdrawn and removed" from FBI systems.

FoxNews.com (July 23) comments: “Committee members weren’t impressed, and Wray gives them no reason to be, as the FBI refuses to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests for records related to the memo.”

And, “The official position of the Biden administration’s FBI is to protect itself.”

Picture: Christopher Wray, #newsTlglrgppak

The way they are fighting this points to an organized, well funded program against Catholics.
Tom Jones
Write your Congressmen or Congress lady and remind them they can lose there seat if they do not put an end to this, the FBI still relies on taxpayer defunding and that can be cutoff, and the FBI can be dissolved.
Malki Tzedek
Who pays whose salary?! The FBI must be rebuilt to serve the nation and its people, not the tyrant's we elected in the first place.