
Francis To Transvestite: "God Loves You As You Are"

Francis released another homosex endorsement on July 24 in a VaticanNews.va podcast called PopeCast, in which he responded to handpicked "young people".

Giona, 22, a male transvestite from Italy, told Francis, "I'm a trans homosexual and disabled boy, I felt torn between faith and transgender identity, trans and believer, once at the crossroads I chose love [=sin]."

Francis replied that God is "always close" and that "he walks with us, even when we are sinners. He loves us as we are [sinning]."

He added that "sex is one of the most beautiful things given by God", while God reveals in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination.

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsPfgkbhdwqr

Wilma Lopez shares this
Podcasting Francis tells Transgender Person: ‘God loves us as we are’
Ivan Tomas
Jorge is taking so many to hell with him. 😡
Live Mike
Jesus came for sinners so that the sinners would repent. He paid a terrible price for our redemption. Call me crazy, but omehow I don't think He intended us to continue to be mired in our sins.
Ursula Sankt
Prof Rist: "You think that you can persuade the secularists to become Catholic if you yourself become a secularist. But of course, that’s not going to work because if the Church is just another NGO, people are going to want to join the real NGOs. They’re much more useful really."
Ivan Tomas
Imágenes reveladoras del Aviso que Jesucristo Mostró a una Vidente reconocida
And He added, "look at the roots of My Church, My Children, because when the false prophet begins to change the prayers of the Mass and the teachings of the Magisterium, know that this is not from Me."More
Imágenes reveladoras del Aviso que Jesucristo Mostró a una Vidente reconocida

And He added, "look at the roots of My Church, My Children, because when the false prophet begins to change the prayers of the Mass and the teachings of the Magisterium, know that this is not from Me."
Ivan Tomas
Lord, have mercy!
Silly twit! False Shepherd, Blind guide... Wolf in Sheep's Clothing....God doesn't like YOU the way you are M Anti-Pope, so don't offer some poor wretch false hopes that he's good to go!
Thank God, we've finally to the end of this charade! Opening manifesting their evil...won't be much longer now.