"Lack of any Spiritual Depth to Messages May be the Unraveling of Medjugorje"

Photo ~ Medjugorje tourist shop

Father Mitch Pacwa: Lack of any Spiritual Depth to the Messages May be the Unraveling of Medjugorje

[Father Mitch] Pacwa said there is no chance for the visions to get approval while they're still going on, and it's a long shot even after they stop.

One quirk that emerged was when two of the Medjugorje visionaries said the Virgin Mary endorsed a book, "The Poem of the Man-God," that had been condemned by the Vatican. The fanciful 1940s biography of Jesus by Maria Valtorta contains details like a dancing girl brushing up against Jesus, Joseph giving young Jesus an anachronistic tool kit with screwdrivers and the Virgin Mary making statements such as "man disgusts me," Pacwa said.

"The book had been condemned by the church in 1959 because it said a lot of silly things that contradicted what was in the gospels," Pacwa said. "The church rejected it. Any vision must be judged by revelation that exists in the gospels. You can't say anything you want."

What may be the unraveling of the Medjugorje visions is the lack of any spiritual depth to the messages, Pacwa said.

"That is a much more pointed critique," he said. Link


Our Lady of Medjugorje?: Very Serious Counter-Signs - by Father Jay Scott Newman

Predicting the decision on Medjugorje with common sense - by Father George David Byers

What is Happening at Medjugorje?

The Truth About Medjugorje - Msgr. Pavao Zanic, Bishop of Mostar
@RC- that would be a crucial distinction. But, I don't think God rules over Scientism, or has ruled over religions like Jim Jones' movement, or jihadism in Islam. It may be that while non-Catholic- (even the most bizarre) religions have elements of truth, they are ruled by the appetites of its leaders.
Philosopher, it would indeed be a heresy if Our Lady in
Medjugorje said that “all religions are equal”. I offer
below a complete quote rather than the partial quote
from Free Republic (FR).
A question was asked of one of the visionaries in October
1981. “Are all religions the same?” Our Lady replied,
Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules
over each faith just like a sovereign …
Philosopher, it would indeed be a heresy if Our Lady in
Medjugorje said that “all religions are equal”. I offer
below a complete quote rather than the partial quote
from Free Republic (FR).

A question was asked of one of the visionaries in October
1981. “Are all religions the same?” Our Lady replied,
Members of all faiths are equal before God. God rules
over each faith just like a sovereign over his kingdom.
In the world, all religions are not the same because all
people have not complied with the commandments
of God. They reject and disparage them.”
Just like in the OT only people in the Arc were saved. The Arc now is the Catholic Church. 🧐
Associated sexual misconduct aside, 🙄 any apparition that would be authentic cannot contradict Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Ergo, that, "all religions are equal" is a heretical statement.
I guess the new-age modernist visionaries didn't get the word that only Catholics are in heaven. Please, before some ecumeniac goes berserk; yes, it’s true that there may be some outside the formal …More
Associated sexual misconduct aside, 🙄 any apparition that would be authentic cannot contradict Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Ergo, that, "all religions are equal" is a heretical statement.

I guess the new-age modernist visionaries didn't get the word that only Catholics are in heaven. Please, before some ecumeniac goes berserk; yes, it’s true that there may be some outside the formal bounds of the Church that possibly are imperfectly in union with Christ, who might be saved, but that is because in the next life in purgatory they realize that the Truth, Goodness and Beauty they were seeking by what little light they may have received on earth was the Logos. Therefore, no non-Catholic religion has any saving merit or salvific grace
I wander what's worse having sex with God's wife/Nun or being a Homo?!
Well, at least he wasn't a homo. 🧐
Holy Cannoli
You have new information from a book published by four Croatian journalists!!!
Why don't YOU contact the Vatican, perhaps even HH himself, and tell him what you have discovered? Since he has defrocked your dear Fr. Vlasic, I am sure he would be interested in the exculpatory information that you have uncovered.
😀 😀 😀
Some …More

You have new information from a book published by four Croatian journalists!!!

Why don't YOU contact the Vatican, perhaps even HH himself, and tell him what you have discovered? Since he has defrocked your dear Fr. Vlasic, I am sure he would be interested in the exculpatory information that you have uncovered.
😀 😀 😀

Some information on your dear Fr. Vlasic:

The Franciscan asked to leave the priesthood after the Vatican launched an investigation into allegations that he was guilty of sexual immorality with a nun which he then covered up.

Vlasic refused to cooperate with the investigation from the outset and he was banished to a monastery in L'Aquila, Italy, where he was forbidden to communicate with anyone, even his lawyers, without the permission of his superior. He has not commented on the allegations but told the Vatican that he felt wronged given he had turned Medjugorje into an international shrine and generated funds to build new churches.

It emerged on Sunday (July 2009) that he has chosen to leave the priesthood and his order, a move which has brought the investigation to an abrupt halt.

As I wrote earlier, if you would like to argue this further, take it up with the pope who unfrocked your hero of Medjugorje, the former Fr. Vlasic.

There is one other thing that ought to be mentioned.

Since you first arrived at Gloria.tv, your resolute support for homosexuals and the homosexual lifestyle has been clear. Most recently on another thread, you impugned the honor of an orthodox Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Rodriquez because this priest publicly and unashamedly taught what the Catholic Church teaches regarding homosexuality. This is clearly within his competency as a Catholic priest but, for you, his orthodox Catholic teaching on homosexuality was not acceptable.

I know what you are so I will not waste more time with you and your nonsense other than to provide a link which may help you and others who are similarly inclined.

“The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed
from their order and under suspension by the bishop,
one of whom later fathered a child by a nun, may
continue to say Mass and hear Confessions.”

Holy Cannoli, you made the allegation that a Franciscan
priest had fathered a child by a nun, and then linked to an
article by Simon Caldwell that does not support your serious
allegation. A book …More
“The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed
from their order and under suspension by the bishop,
one of whom later fathered a child by a nun, may
continue to say Mass and hear Confessions.”

Holy Cannoli, you made the allegation that a Franciscan
priest had fathered a child by a nun, and then linked to an
article by Simon Caldwell that does not support your serious
allegation. A book titled Misterij Međugorja was published
in 2011 by four Croatian journalists who extensively
researched the formerly secret archives of the Služba
Državne Bezbjednosti (SDB). The scurrilous allegations of
sexual misbehaviour against Tomislav Vlasic (Fra Tomislav
Vlašić, OFM) were traced back to the secret police (SDB)
of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Holy Cannoli! I read your link! 🙄 This is more then enough evidence to sink Medjugorje's ship! 🥴
“The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed
from their order and under suspension by the bishop,
one of whom later fathered a child by a nun, may
continue to say Mass and hear Confessions.”

Holy Cannoli, you have made an allegation that a Franciscan
priest assigned to the Parish of St James in Medjugorje
fathered a child by a nun. Can you supply further
information to support this …More
“The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed
from their order and under suspension by the bishop,
one of whom later fathered a child by a nun, may
continue to say Mass and hear Confessions.”

Holy Cannoli, you have made an allegation that a Franciscan
priest assigned to the Parish of St James in Medjugorje
fathered a child by a nun. Can you supply further
information to support this serious allegation?
Dear Friends 🤗 ,
If anyone has an issue with the policies, decisions or what is posted in the News-Briefs area of Gloria.tv, show some common courtesy/ respect and express your concerns by private message. ✍️
Gloria.TV will never be able to make happy every one and it’s not even among the goals of this site. We explicitly want people with different opinions to posts their comments. So, when you …More
Dear Friends 🤗 ,

If anyone has an issue with the policies, decisions or what is posted in the News-Briefs area of Gloria.tv, show some common courtesy/ respect and express your concerns by private message. ✍️

Gloria.TV will never be able to make happy every one and it’s not even among the goals of this site. We explicitly want people with different opinions to posts their comments. So, when you see someone posting things that are in disagreement with you, do not take it as a threat for the Universal Church and as a personal attack. Take it as a challenge for your intellect to make some exercise in a respectful manner. If this is not possible for whatever reason (anger, insufficiency of arguments, laziness, impatience… ) skip this forum and go to the next. Remember, never aggressiveness is a sign of strength and truth, rather of weakness.

The articles posted on News – Briefs may but do not necessarily express what Gloria.TV team believe. They are chosen in a manner that would steer fruitful discussions. 🙄 😁 😉

So, please, discuss, debate, disagree, search the truth, but do not insult.

If this is impossible, go to other areas of Gloria.TV. There is still much to be found out there. 🚬 😊 ✍️

We really hope, that there will not be a need to eliminate anyone from Gloria.
Enjoy the rest of the summer, My Dear 🤗
Pax et bonum 😘
Holy Cannoli
One quirk that emerged was when two of the Medjugorje visionaries said the Virgin Mary endorsed a book, "The Poem of the Man-God," that had been condemned by the Vatican. The fanciful 1940s biography of Jesus by Maria Valtorta contains details like a dancing girl brushing up against Jesus, Joseph giving young Jesus an anachronistic tool kit with screwdrivers and the Virgin Mary making statements …More
One quirk that emerged was when two of the Medjugorje visionaries said the Virgin Mary endorsed a book, "The Poem of the Man-God," that had been condemned by the Vatican. The fanciful 1940s biography of Jesus by Maria Valtorta contains details like a dancing girl brushing up against Jesus, Joseph giving young Jesus an anachronistic tool kit with screwdrivers and the Virgin Mary making statements such as "man disgusts me," Pacwa said.

These charlatans would have the world believe that the Blessed Mother endorses a book? Yet, the easily duped, in denial, simpletons still haven't connected the dots.

From August, 1984, to April, 1985, the apparitions continued to take place in the parish church despite the Bishop of Mostar's former prohibition. (A certain sign of a false apparition, when Church authority is disobeyed by the apparition itself.)

Jan. 1982: The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed from their order and under suspension by the bishop, one of whom later fathered a child by a nun, may continue to say Mass and hear Confessions. Vicka the seer is asked "If the Lady said this, and the Pope says that they cannot..." Vicka answers: "The Pope can say what he wants. I'm telling it as it is." (from Bishop Zanic's document, 1990)
(...obedience to an apparition greater than obedience to the Pope?)

Here's the true "secret" of Medjewgoogoo.
I truly wish the Vatican would just go ahead and condemn this heresy for God sake! This stupid idiotic make-believe show these visionaries are doing are telling erroneous lies about Our Blessed Queen. She deserves the utmost respect, not this hogwash. These visionaries should be excommunicated for hurting so many souls. Their are millions of Catholics that have been duped because of them. I guaranty …More
I truly wish the Vatican would just go ahead and condemn this heresy for God sake! This stupid idiotic make-believe show these visionaries are doing are telling erroneous lies about Our Blessed Queen. She deserves the utmost respect, not this hogwash. These visionaries should be excommunicated for hurting so many souls. Their are millions of Catholics that have been duped because of them. I guaranty when the vatican does judge this as heresy people will leave the church and still follow these idiots. Lord have Mercy.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
I have a hard time believing the “Blessed Mother” would endorse a book.
"Lack of...spiritual depth?" Who would have guessed by watching Vicka ... Link
• What is Happening at Medjugorje?
In the first few years following the apparitions, around thirty different apparition …More
Comments from FR:

I have a hard time believing the “Blessed Mother” would endorse a book.

"Lack of...spiritual depth?" Who would have guessed by watching Vicka ... Link

• What is Happening at Medjugorje?

In the first few years following the apparitions, around thirty different apparition places were chosen, with the Gospa appearing often as if “on cue.” Some of the messages, even in our open-minded era, would be categorized as not just heterodox, but heretical.

We hear that all religions are equal (“Before God all the faiths are identical. God governs them like a king in his kingdom.”) All sufferings are equal in hell; and Mirjana quotes the Gospa as telling her that people begin feeling comfortable in hell. As regards the afterlife, those who go to heaven after death “are present with the soul and the body.” When the Madonna is asked about the title, “Mediatrix of all graces,” she replies, “I do not dispose of all graces.”

Got to be fake. All religions are not equal. Islam is evil.

One quirk that emerged was when two of the Medjugorje visionaries said the Virgin Mary endorsed a book, “The Poem of the Man-God,” that had been condemned by the Vatican.

The fanciful 1940s biography of Jesus by Maria Valtorta contains details like a dancing girl brushing up against Jesus, Joseph giving young Jesus an anachronistic tool kit with screwdrivers and the Virgin Mary making statements such as “man disgusts me,” Pacwa said.

“The book had been condemned by the church in 1959 because it said a lot of silly things that contradicted what was in the gospels,” Pacwa said. “The church rejected it. Any vision must be judged by revelation that exists in the gospels. You can’t say anything you want.”

Got to be fake. Mary is not going to endorse some new age religious book.