
Viganò Asks Francis for “Clear Answer” Regarding Christ’s Divinity

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò urges Francis to give a “clear answer” to questions arising from his denial of Christ's divinity as published by the journalist Eugenio Scalfari.

Viganò told LifeSiteNews.com (October 10) that the recent Vatican disclaimer was insufficient, “Christians expect a clear answer from the Pope himself. The thing is too important.”

According to Viganò, Christians have "a right" to such a response by virtue of their baptism.

Doubts about Francis' belief in Christ's divinity are nurtured by the fact that he never kneels in front of the Blessed Sacrament and by the Abu-Dhabi document where Francis claims that all religions are equally wanted by God which implies that Christ is simply the founder of another religion.


Rand Miller
When you consider the timing of the reporting of Scalfari's statement, you wonder if it was intended to distract from the diabolical synod.
Cristiano cattolico
The daily sacrifice will cease
8 October 2019
“… you will see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…” (Mt 24:15)
Jesus draws attention to Daniel’s prophecy which refers to the period of mass internal apostasy:
“…they shall defile the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifice, and place there the abomination of desolation.”(Dan 11:31) …More
The daily sacrifice will cease

8 October 2019

“… you will see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…” (Mt 24:15)

Jesus draws attention to Daniel’s prophecy which refers to the period of mass internal apostasy:

“…they shall defile the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifice, and place there the abomination of desolation.”(Dan 11:31)

The sanctuary of God is defiled – the interior sanctuary – the living temple of the Holy Spirit, the Mystical Body of Christ – rather than an external temple. How was this temple defiled? By the spirit of antichrist.

God bless Archbishop Viganò.
Gesù è con noi
The anti Pope Bergoglio already answered that question. He denied the divinity of Jesus Christ when he publicly participated in an act of apostasy in the Vatican Gardens where instead of preaching the Catholic faith he accompanied the Indians in their pagan rituals.
i am with Vigano
Answers 😀
Not only that. Do you not see that Bergoglio does not say: I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. "He is at the service of the Talmuidists.