Back in November, I had the pleasure of being on Trent Horn’s podcast, the Council of Trent. We discussed some issues around the ethics of vaccines. The recent mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna for COVID were a large part of the discussion as they have a very remote connection to abortion. We went over Catholic teachings that apply like the principle of double effect and remote material …More
Back in November, I had the pleasure of being on Trent Horn’s podcast, the Council of Trent. We discussed some issues around the ethics of vaccines. The recent mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna for COVID were a large part of the discussion as they have a very remote connection to abortion. We went over Catholic teachings that apply like the principle of double effect and remote material cooperation in evil, along with science about how vaccines work.

Vaccines and Double Effect with Trent Horn

Vaccines and Double Effect with Trent Horn November 18, 2020 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being on Trent Horn’s podcast, the …
Servant Of Divine Mercy
There are no excuses to take abortion-tainted, lethal, DNA changing, experimental vaccines as the other preventions and treatments are: Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins C and D, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC (N-acetylcysteine). God always provides a way; read Sirach and the other Wisdom books its all there. You
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC and Trent Horn (if he agrees with you) are immoral, hypocrites …More
There are no excuses to take abortion-tainted, lethal, DNA changing, experimental vaccines as the other preventions and treatments are: Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins C and D, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC (N-acetylcysteine). God always provides a way; read Sirach and the other Wisdom books its all there. You
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC and Trent Horn (if he agrees with you) are immoral, hypocrites, imposters and scandalous boys that don't have a clue what these DEADLY vaccines have and are doing to innocent people especially children. You will pay dearly at your Particular Judgment unless you repent and go to the Sacrament of Confession; then you need to make reparation and take all your evil and demonic posts down. (concerning the vaccines as I haven't read your other material). You make me m 😡d with your misleading posts!
Peter Kay
The article “Anti-Vaccine Catholics Break Moral Theology Principles” is pretty much bang on the money. If some treatment has been tweaked or repurposed and subsequently required testing on HEK-293 cells, then if differs little from some of the COVID-19 vaccines and has the same connection to aborted fetal cells.
Well worth a read:…vaccine-catholics-break-moral-theology-principles/More
The article “Anti-Vaccine Catholics Break Moral Theology Principles” is pretty much bang on the money. If some treatment has been tweaked or repurposed and subsequently required testing on HEK-293 cells, then if differs little from some of the COVID-19 vaccines and has the same connection to aborted fetal cells.

Well worth a read:…vaccine-catholics-break-moral-theology-principles/
Sancte Michael Archangele, défende nos in proelio
Father, have you personally taken these inoculations?
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
You should have discussed the question of necessity when it is clear that those dying from covid were dying anyway and rather than saving anyone these jabs place many at risk for morbidity and mortality. No one should inject a dangerous substance with immoral origins unless it necessary in the face of a grave danger.that doesn't exist here and do neither should these injections.