Peter Kay
Peter Kay

Covaxin: A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

“A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind”
I doubt it. You see, the abortion tainted vaccine was never a reason for most Catholic antivax objections, it was only ever a convenient excuse.
If the HEK293 cell line had come from a miscarriage they would have pushed some ‘theft of body parts’ argument rather that the murder one (Don Pietro Leone made this argument over at Rorate Caeli back in April where 5 …More
“A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind”

I doubt it. You see, the abortion tainted vaccine was never a reason for most Catholic antivax objections, it was only ever a convenient excuse.

If the HEK293 cell line had come from a miscarriage they would have pushed some ‘theft of body parts’ argument rather that the murder one (Don Pietro Leone made this argument over at Rorate Caeli back in April where 5 of his 10 objections would also apply in the case of a miscarriage).

Now I fully expect an anti ‘Bharat Biotech and Ocugen’ argument along the lines of “they also manufacturer xxxxxx which is immorally produced/tested and so by taking their vaccine you are still participating in illicit medication production.”

Their real objection is political: a fight against the one world order, big tech, big pharma, big data, big government, big conspiracy etc. They basically weaponized the 1973 abortion and the HEK293 cell line and use it as a political football to berate and cajole Catholics into not taking the vaccine.

This in my mind is, itself, a form of material cooperation; they’re seeking a benefit - to further their own political agenda - by using the 1973 abortion to persuade Catholic to join their antivax campaign.
Peter Kay

A Deacon Discouraged a Dying Woman from Confessing

Surely to goodness every priest, including Fr Schneider, would know...”
What a snide comment. And you wonder why some priests don’t respond to your [viz. your clique’s] emails. I would also point out that you also allowed one of your members to describe this alter christus as stupid or a deceiver on your blog. Father is certainly more charitable than I would be.
As for your previous comments …More
Surely to goodness every priest, including Fr Schneider, would know...”

What a snide comment. And you wonder why some priests don’t respond to your [viz. your clique’s] emails. I would also point out that you also allowed one of your members to describe this alter christus as stupid or a deceiver on your blog. Father is certainly more charitable than I would be.

As for your previous comments about me, you certainly did make it clear that I was not welcome on your blog. If you want hide behind some “there was no explicit ban” argument then that’s a distinction that exists only in your own mind.
Peter Kay

Vaccines and Double Effect with Trent Horn

The article “Anti-Vaccine Catholics Break Moral Theology Principles” is pretty much bang on the money. If some treatment has been tweaked or repurposed and subsequently required testing on HEK-293 cells, then if differs little from some of the COVID-19 vaccines and has the same connection to aborted fetal cells.
Well worth a read:…vaccine-catholics-break-moral-theology-principles/More
The article “Anti-Vaccine Catholics Break Moral Theology Principles” is pretty much bang on the money. If some treatment has been tweaked or repurposed and subsequently required testing on HEK-293 cells, then if differs little from some of the COVID-19 vaccines and has the same connection to aborted fetal cells.

Well worth a read:…vaccine-catholics-break-moral-theology-principles/