For the last year, the main two COVID vaccines in the USA have been Pfizer and Moderna. Now, Bharat Biotech and Ocugen have applied for approval of their Covaxin vaccine by the FDA. Covaxin got emergency use authorization from the WHO in early November 2021. Pfizer and Moderna have a remote connection to abortion via testing on fetal cell lines, but Covaxin has no connection in production, development …More
For the last year, the main two COVID vaccines in the USA have been Pfizer and Moderna. Now, Bharat Biotech and Ocugen have applied for approval of their Covaxin vaccine by the FDA. Covaxin got emergency use authorization from the WHO in early November 2021. Pfizer and Moderna have a remote connection to abortion via testing on fetal cell lines, but Covaxin has no connection in production, development, or testing. On top of this, Covaxin may be one of the most effective existing vaccines against the Omicron variant. Furthermore, for those who are cautious about new tech like mRNA vaccines, Covaxin is an inactivated virus vaccine...

Covaxin: A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

For the last year, the main two COVID vaccines in the USA have been Pfizer and Moderna. Now, Bharat Biotech and Ocugen have applied …
Children of God for Life said nothing was in production that wasn't connected to abortion. I will be very happy to know if there is one!
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Nothing was in production of 96^ of US vaccine doses. If that's your requirement, just get a Moderna or Pfizer shot now.
Jeffrey Ade
What gets a laugh out of me is how so many rise up to these articles!
Facts Not Lies
With the death rate from the jab 70 times that of the cold.... and the chance of getting the cold twice is RARE... I'd say vaccines are death engines.
Since CoV-SARS2 can be treated at home with over the counter drugs for the greatest part and with therapeutic drugs for the 'bad' cases (with at least a 99.95% survival rate), I'd say …More
With the death rate from the jab 70 times that of the cold.... and the chance of getting the cold twice is RARE... I'd say vaccines are death engines.

Since CoV-SARS2 can be treated at home with over the counter drugs for the greatest part and with therapeutic drugs for the 'bad' cases (with at least a 99.95% survival rate), I'd say the jab is redundant. Even repugnant.
"remote connection to abortion"? Just a little izzy bit of abortion, right? That is just amazing to hear from a Catholic priest.
It's even worse to hear from official Church organizations, sorry to say.
I don't need a vaccine for a disease with a 99.97% recovery rate. Especially when I already have ensured that I have access to the medications that work if taken early on in any infection. (The medictations that Fauci et al had to surpress to get the Emergency Use Authorisation through). The "vaccines" don't prevent infection or transmission. They aren't vaccines at all according to any definition …More
I don't need a vaccine for a disease with a 99.97% recovery rate. Especially when I already have ensured that I have access to the medications that work if taken early on in any infection. (The medictations that Fauci et al had to surpress to get the Emergency Use Authorisation through). The "vaccines" don't prevent infection or transmission. They aren't vaccines at all according to any definition before 2021.
Hound of Heaven
The words "may be one of the most effective existing vaccines..." is faint praise indeed given the now well-documented dubious 'effectiveness' of the other 'vaccines'. The question as to why therapeutics that were as (or, perhaps, more) effective, readily available, and inexpensive have been 'cancelled' in favor of a redundancy of inoculations is something our Church hierarchy and political leaders …More
The words "may be one of the most effective existing vaccines..." is faint praise indeed given the now well-documented dubious 'effectiveness' of the other 'vaccines'. The question as to why therapeutics that were as (or, perhaps, more) effective, readily available, and inexpensive have been 'cancelled' in favor of a redundancy of inoculations is something our Church hierarchy and political leaders should have addressed long ago.
Peter Kay
“A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind”
I doubt it. You see, the abortion tainted vaccine was never a reason for most Catholic antivax objections, it was only ever a convenient excuse.
If the HEK293 cell line had come from a miscarriage they would have pushed some ‘theft of body parts’ argument rather that the murder one (Don Pietro Leone made this argument over at Rorate Caeli back in April where 5 …More
“A Vaccine We Can All Get Behind”

I doubt it. You see, the abortion tainted vaccine was never a reason for most Catholic antivax objections, it was only ever a convenient excuse.

If the HEK293 cell line had come from a miscarriage they would have pushed some ‘theft of body parts’ argument rather that the murder one (Don Pietro Leone made this argument over at Rorate Caeli back in April where 5 of his 10 objections would also apply in the case of a miscarriage).

Now I fully expect an anti ‘Bharat Biotech and Ocugen’ argument along the lines of “they also manufacturer xxxxxx which is immorally produced/tested and so by taking their vaccine you are still participating in illicit medication production.”

Their real objection is political: a fight against the one world order, big tech, big pharma, big data, big government, big conspiracy etc. They basically weaponized the 1973 abortion and the HEK293 cell line and use it as a political football to berate and cajole Catholics into not taking the vaccine.

This in my mind is, itself, a form of material cooperation; they’re seeking a benefit - to further their own political agenda - by using the 1973 abortion to persuade Catholic to join their antivax campaign.
Louis IX
Whee, talk about conspiracy theories, that’s a real hum dinger!
Facts Not Lies
I do have to say that ... if this actually IS an inactive vaccine, it is likely the safest of them all.
But, really the best immunization is to catch the cold and be one of the 99.97% who survive with immunity.More
I do have to say that ... if this actually IS an inactive vaccine, it is likely the safest of them all.

But, really the best immunization is to catch the cold and be one of the 99.97% who survive with immunity.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Please don't lie. 99.97% would require 2,666,,000,000 cases in the USA, I know nobody who has had COVID 8 times but you would require the average person to for your number to work.
Facts Not Lies
HAHAHA Get the data... learn language, get the math and read the truth
a CASE (a case) means one thing... a doctor was involved.
a DEATH means a person died.
If you cannot discern the difference you may want to find a dictionary or a priest.
Because covid antibodies remain in the system one is (in the words of CDC) RARE to get it twice.
Because someone dies with a flu and the antibodies …More
HAHAHA Get the data... learn language, get the math and read the truth
a CASE (a case) means one thing... a doctor was involved.
a DEATH means a person died.
If you cannot discern the difference you may want to find a dictionary or a priest.

Because covid antibodies remain in the system one is (in the words of CDC) RARE to get it twice.
Because someone dies with a flu and the antibodies are found in the body, they are LABELED as a covid death
If they are treated for a Flu or another ailment and are found to have the antibodies in their system they are labeled as having covid again...
Facts Not Lies
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Do you know where the case numbers DO count?
They represent poor therapeutic medicine practices. We have methods of reducing cases which are disallowed by the Government (yeah... like politicians are good at medicine). If these KNOWN therapeutic medicines were allowed and applied we could even reduce that Case number.More
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Do you know where the case numbers DO count?

They represent poor therapeutic medicine practices. We have methods of reducing cases which are disallowed by the Government (yeah... like politicians are good at medicine). If these KNOWN therapeutic medicines were allowed and applied we could even reduce that Case number.
"you may want to find a dictionary or a priest" @Facts Not Lies Father Schneider is a priest. As a favor to me, if nothing else, may I ask that you please address him more respectfully in light of his clerical office? Especially when you're winning the debate? Like so:
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC ah... with all deference, stating a falsehood and telling a lie are not the same. When you tell Fact …More
"you may want to find a dictionary or a priest" @Facts Not Lies Father Schneider is a priest. As a favor to me, if nothing else, may I ask that you please address him more respectfully in light of his clerical office? Especially when you're winning the debate? Like so:

@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC ah... with all deference, stating a falsehood and telling a lie are not the same. When you tell Fact Not Lies not to lie that presupposes a.) they know the truth and b.) have chosen not to tell the truth in preference to a falsehood and c.) you are capable of demonstrating both a.) and b.).

At best, even if your statistical data were to prove they are factually incorrect and I'm not conceding it does given Facts Not Lies rebuttal, that still doesn't prove what they know to be true.
Facts Not Lies
I understand and accept that my response may have been a bit harsh.
Almost as harsh as erroneously and (apparently) without research; calling someone a liar.
I failed at "do unto others". Thank you for the reminder.More
I understand and accept that my response may have been a bit harsh.
Almost as harsh as erroneously and (apparently) without research; calling someone a liar.

I failed at "do unto others". Thank you for the reminder.
Facts Not Lies
A semi-retraction (without becoming a revisionist). And an apology.
My response was far too emotionally charged.
I also want to state that few people have seen the results of poor therapeutic medicine first hand. Holding a dying person as they take their last breath can have a lasting impact. Doing it a few dozen times does not callous the heart. Decades do not reduce the emotions either. Seeing …More
A semi-retraction (without becoming a revisionist). And an apology.

My response was far too emotionally charged.

I also want to state that few people have seen the results of poor therapeutic medicine first hand. Holding a dying person as they take their last breath can have a lasting impact. Doing it a few dozen times does not callous the heart. Decades do not reduce the emotions either. Seeing it recur because people seemingly are unwilling to gain information aside from the news is not an excuse for such a response and I am sorry. Greater care will be applied to better manage the results of my past.
A new vaccine for a virus 98% recover from anyway without being vaccinated. Total necessity. Father Schneider needs a new ghost-writer because this guy just isn't working out.. :P
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
2% death is super high compared to so many other things we vaccinate against. If that's your argument, let's stop vacinating against Polio & Measles (both kill a lower percentage than COVID).
Facts Not Lies
With the claim that 2% death is high then the vaccine is appallingly high.
Super high? Father, seriously... a 98% recovery rate is essentially a guarantee of recovery. If somebody handed you a Mega-Millions Lotto ticket with a 98% chance of winning, you could already start counting the money. :D Let's frame it in less worldly terms. I wish my guardian angel would pop in with news like this. "Hey, UV... Based on your current behavior, I'm authorized to state you now have …More
Super high? Father, seriously... a 98% recovery rate is essentially a guarantee of recovery. If somebody handed you a Mega-Millions Lotto ticket with a 98% chance of winning, you could already start counting the money. :D Let's frame it in less worldly terms. I wish my guardian angel would pop in with news like this. "Hey, UV... Based on your current behavior, I'm authorized to state you now have a 98% chance of getting into Heaven." Insta-reaction...
Les Crispi
Receiving the vax is signing your life over to Satan. It is certain physical suicide, the science is clear on its poisonous attributes, and made with dead babies, and is premised on mountains of lies.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Please see Jimmy Akin on the mark of the beast.
Les Crispi
Father Matt, putting a poison into your body based on fear and clear lies is a Satanic act. I don't need to see anyone on this. Covid 19 is a mild flu/now a light cold. It affects the elderly and those with comorbidities. As does the regular flu. It does NOT require, and science cannot perfect a coronavirus vaccine, as it mutates and creates ADE. This vaccine, which isn't a vaccine but an untested …More
Father Matt, putting a poison into your body based on fear and clear lies is a Satanic act. I don't need to see anyone on this. Covid 19 is a mild flu/now a light cold. It affects the elderly and those with comorbidities. As does the regular flu. It does NOT require, and science cannot perfect a coronavirus vaccine, as it mutates and creates ADE. This vaccine, which isn't a vaccine but an untested gene injection that has already killed 400,000 Americans and over a million worldwide has actually spread the disease, made healthy young people sick, and given millions clots and heart disease. THis is all based on actual science, Father, real, verifiable science and as God as my witness I rebuke you for promoting it as licit. The vaccine is a clear vehicle to herd everyone into a controllable group, as that is what is going on right now, and that the Catholic Church is part of the agitprop from this evil group is a stain on its long-stained history.

You should be ashamed of yourself, frankly.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
"putting a poison into your body based on fear and clear lies is a Satanic act." Are you accusing those using HCQ & ivermectin of doing Satanic acts. The evidence is that they have little to no effect so promoters are not being truthful.
"This vaccine, which isn't a vaccine but an untested gene injection that has already killed 400,000 Americans and over a million worldwide" we were talking about …More
"putting a poison into your body based on fear and clear lies is a Satanic act." Are you accusing those using HCQ & ivermectin of doing Satanic acts. The evidence is that they have little to no effect so promoters are not being truthful.

"This vaccine, which isn't a vaccine but an untested gene injection that has already killed 400,000 Americans and over a million worldwide" we were talking about truth. This is not true. If it were true, it would require millions of people to be in on some kind of conspiracy to provide overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Jeffrey Ade
Is it so hard to believe that millions of people in the world are in on this? Just look around you!
Rand Miller
Father Schneider disgusts me.
Perhaps Fr. Schneider's awesome new author photo accompanying his article will change your mind. :)
Alex A
You can get (your) behind this unproven vaccination if you so wish, Fr. Mathew Schneider. Not me.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
"Unproven" does not apply after 10s of millions of doses & stacks of evidence.
Alex A
The vaccine program to date, in anyone's language, has been a disaster and to add another possible 'please believe my science claimant' is, I suggest, a bridge too far.
John A Cassani
Depending on the side effect profile, this could be a good option for someone at high risk. No one who is not at high risk should receive anything. So long as people believe that shots are the way out of the “pandemic,” the “pandemic” will never end. Guaranteed.
Tell me, Father, what is the 'vaccine' going to prevent...they haven't even isolated the so called Covid or SARs-2 'virus' yet. How can you make a 'vaccine' for something you haven't discovered yet? Please, put your big boy pants on and do your own research instead of mimicking the Pharma companies. Even the CDC and WHO haven't isolated the "virus".
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
What? It's called COVID-19 because it was isolated in 2019
Please show me where and who isolated this "Covid virus" and what protocol they used.