
Parolin’s Campaign To Be Pope Is Desperate After China Fiasco

Ed Condon, a canon lawyer and journalist, does not believe Cardinal Pietro Parolin's claim that he has the negotiations with the Chinese regime under control. Parolin is the Vatican Secretary of State.

Talking to the religion podcast from The Spectator (February 2), hosted by Damian Thompson, Condon refers to Parolin’s handling of a number of other failures: the Apostolic Journey to Chile, the liquidation of the Knights of Malta, the finances of the Vatican.

Condon believes that after the controversial China-Vatican-Deal a Parolin papacy is not very likely anymore.

Damian Thompson adds that Parolin wants “desperately” to become pope.

Picture: Pietro Parolin, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsCvokvtonky
A pope who loves the truth ?? What truth ? The freemanson truth !!! Or the truth of Christ. There are, in truth, no followers of Christ at the vatican. That's the truth. And anyone that replaces thus imposter Francis will be as bad if not worse. Don't forget he is supposed to be the last pope. If this is truth you better be on the right side of the fense or burn in hell. Judgment day is closer than …More
A pope who loves the truth ?? What truth ? The freemanson truth !!! Or the truth of Christ. There are, in truth, no followers of Christ at the vatican. That's the truth. And anyone that replaces thus imposter Francis will be as bad if not worse. Don't forget he is supposed to be the last pope. If this is truth you better be on the right side of the fense or burn in hell. Judgment day is closer than you think.
You must be joking ,,we really need a Pope that loves the Truth that does not conform with secularist world ,and guardian of the Gospel ,of our Lord Jesus Christ
Cardinal Parolin to be the next pope by way of cardinal villot. Lord help us. we get rid of one bad rubbish only to be replaced with more bad rubbish
Now what kind of crap are you bringing into the world Mr Parolin with the vatican Bank 30 million Euro the Knights of Malta, and the German nobility.
Will you to like cardinal Villot who murdered John Paul 1 with poison and was a 33 degree freemanson who him self was murdered just months after he murdered John Paul 1 how convenient. How convenient the guy who murders john paul 1 himself dies just …More
Now what kind of crap are you bringing into the world Mr Parolin with the vatican Bank 30 million Euro the Knights of Malta, and the German nobility.
Will you to like cardinal Villot who murdered John Paul 1 with poison and was a 33 degree freemanson who him self was murdered just months after he murdered John Paul 1 how convenient. How convenient the guy who murders john paul 1 himself dies just months after. Will you now do the same to Mr freemanson francis ???
Are all the players in place at the vatican Bank make sure everyone gets their share. For gods sake why anyone would continue to go to church anymore is beyond me. Stay home and pray or street protest write letters but for gods sake don't give any more Financial support to this evil church and that goes for all denominations. God, lord help us to suffer these evils