
Ex-Synod Is a Civil War between Generals without Soldiers

On October 4, Francis opened his ex-synod by preaching against what the whole synod is all about: “a purely natural vision, made up of human strategies, political calculations or ideological battles.”

And, “We are not here to carry out a parliamentary session or a reform plan. No, we are here to walk together with the gaze of Jesus.”

At the end of the open-air eucharist, Francis didn't drive past "the people", probably, because there were hardly any present. There were far fewer people than there were seats available.

Francis' presiding table was stripped of any ornament. There was a cross aside the altar and candlesticks ... on the floor.

During the ex-synod, the members - 73% of them bishops - sat at round tables for the first time. Cardinal Hollerich explained that "the round tables remind us that none of us is a star in this synod."

Cardinal Grech insisted that "for the first time" lay members were no longer "exceptions to the norm" but full voting members [thus depriving the ex-synod of any authority].

Francis claimed that if the ex-synod members were to speak with one voice and made the same statements, it meant that “the Holy Spirit was not here” – as if the Holy Spirit, rather than the devil, was the champion of discord.

The pro-Francis IlSismografo.Blogspot.com described the atmosphere surrounding the ex-synod as “a kind of ‘civil war’ between generals, without soldiers.”


Wilma Lopez
Dissolving the papcay: Striking to see Pope Francis addressing the synod not from the stage, where we usually see him, but from one round table among many.
Riff on "first among equals?" 🤭
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Anyone read or read about Pope Francis' new "apostolic letter" Laudate Deum about the climate change issue...which he mostly blames on the USA, and ignores or throws praise to China, the biggest culprit of pollution and anti-climate legislation. My answer to him is to give him my "middle finger gesture", a gesture he mentions so often. All good Catholics should give it to him. 😂 😂 😂
The extreme arrogance of a Pope who believes that his own ideology- modernism is a meta-theology that transcends all theological speculation and eminates directly from the Holy Spirit, and to which the entire corpus of the Magesterium and Church Councils can be judged. This is pure Gnosticism.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I have believe for a long time that Francis is not even a Christian in the strict sense, let alone a Catholic, which anyone with sense knows he is not. He is an apostate heretic...and like Tucho (who has been "outed" as gay by a nun attending the Synod), probably gay himself.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori As Father Miller said, he's more Lutheran than Catholic!