Philadelphia, USA
Maria delos Angeles
Democrat-run cities in USA are all tending this way
This is in America ? Just awful. How are Americans not embarrassed by this crushing human poverty and neglect. I have to say we have nowhere near this level of street poverty in Australia.
Ave Crux
One of the gravest crimes of our politicians is absolute dereliction in failing to solve these problems. Millions of dollars go the agencies and NGOs who just use the money to keep themselves paid while perpetuating the problem by absolute neglect of any possible solution. With all the wealth in this country, all the "know-how", we can't fix this? It's because no one wants to.
Boanerges Boanerges
Expect much, much worse and everywhere with Bergoglio crushing and scourging the Mystical Body of Christ. It is all connected... After Christ's crucifixion and death Jerusalem was sacked and Temple destroyed. After execution of Christ's followers Rome was sacked. But after humiliation, crucifixion and death of Christ's Mystical Body the world will turn to rubble. But soon the new world will emerge …More
Expect much, much worse and everywhere with Bergoglio crushing and scourging the Mystical Body of Christ. It is all connected... After Christ's crucifixion and death Jerusalem was sacked and Temple destroyed. After execution of Christ's followers Rome was sacked. But after humiliation, crucifixion and death of Christ's Mystical Body the world will turn to rubble. But soon the new world will emerge where Christ will rule with a rod of iron
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This my city, and it is way worse than even two years ago, one of the last times I went with friends down to Philadelphia. If anyone has been to Philadelphia is, and knows where Suburban station is, its in Center City Philly, and as the name implies, that.s where all the lines are that go out into the various suburbs of Philly. THat station itself stinks of human excrement, urine, and vomit. There …More
This my city, and it is way worse than even two years ago, one of the last times I went with friends down to Philadelphia. If anyone has been to Philadelphia is, and knows where Suburban station is, its in Center City Philly, and as the name implies, that.s where all the lines are that go out into the various suburbs of Philly. THat station itself stinks of human excrement, urine, and vomit. There are drug addicts and homeless passed out on the steps (nearly all of them are black), and on the sidewalk above ground. Realy sick. There used to be a convent of Mother Teresa's sisters near there, and they would hand out hot tea and donuts to the homeless....but I think one of the nuns was attacked last year, and the convent was closed and the nuns left.
These people relieve themselves whereever they are on the street, they throw up on people, and follow people around. Nothing is done about them.
I used to take the train to Philly with friends all the time, to go to shows, or concerts. No more. And if I did have to go to Philadelphia, I'd take an Uber.
I don't advise anyone going to Philadelphia using public transportation. Use your car, an uber, a cab, etc. (Not a bus)🤮
Downtown Philly looks like a scene out of the Zombie Apocalypse.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@philosopher -Yeah, really sad what happened to Philadelphia. It used to be very nice, about 6-7 years ago. Some friends and I went to see Shen Yun (Chinese dancers/acrobat magnificent show) which travels the USA 5-10x a year. I thought all the dancers and acrobats were really from China. I don't mean to give away a secret, but 90% are from the USA or Australia, with some from Britian and Taiwan. …More
@philosopher -Yeah, really sad what happened to Philadelphia. It used to be very nice, about 6-7 years ago. Some friends and I went to see Shen Yun (Chinese dancers/acrobat magnificent show) which travels the USA 5-10x a year. I thought all the dancers and acrobats were really from China. I don't mean to give away a secret, but 90% are from the USA or Australia, with some from Britian and Taiwan. Was I disappointed to find out most were Americans or Aussies? Yeah ! But I advise anyone who has a chance to go see it..even though it's $$$.
It was a pretty good city back then when I was in college 6-7 years ago,,,,,but since Biden, it's gotten way worse. Illegal migrants, criminals who never are put in jail for more than a few hours, radical liberal judges who side with the criminals rather than the victims.
Philly isn't probably the worst example, unfortunatly, it can be repeated 100's of times over the last 4 years. 😭
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori True, the consequences of progressive policies. Hopefully people will get fed up with the crime and degradation of their once beautiful cities and throw out the leftists. Houston is a blue city in a red state, but we just had a mayoral election between Sheila Jackson Lee and John Whitmire. Whitmire won, thank God for that! Jackson Lee is a hard core lefty and would have destroyed …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori True, the consequences of progressive policies. Hopefully people will get fed up with the crime and degradation of their once beautiful cities and throw out the leftists. Houston is a blue city in a red state, but we just had a mayoral election between Sheila Jackson Lee and John Whitmire. Whitmire won, thank God for that! Jackson Lee is a hard core lefty and would have destroyed the city and created divisions between people of good will. Whitmire, while a democrat, is more of a moderate old school democrat. He has promised to beef up the police department and begin cracking down on crime. A few years ago, he was himself mugged at gun point by thugs and knows how unjust and traumatizing it is to citizens.
Why is so little grace coming into the world? Christ died for these poor souls. Could it be that the means of grace are failing? Or are we destroying the means of grace with our Novus Ordo focus on man rather than God?
chris griffin
I have been told that the persons who are unnaturally bent over at the waist are on the illegal drug TRANQ which is a horse tranquilizer. A horse being tranquilized will do the same thing...head locked down unnaturally until the rest of the body falls.
Everyday for Life Canada
But let’s fight foreign wars pretending to defend American values? What values?