“Francis” didn’t invent “spontaneous” blessings of “irregular couples.”
In case you don't know, there was a double of Paul VI who approved modernist documents and communion in the hand, and one of JPII who kissed the Koran. They were not the true popes, but ecclesiastical Freemasonry manipulated the Magisterium of the Church with these doubles.
Tony Smith
Yes. I think that is correct. The Pope, is a public figure. He would just have blessed them as part of his office, in blessing those who come to him. He is guilty of other things, but not of supporting these wicked people.
Pope John-Paul II blessed everybody he met, he had no time to ask people to fill a form and Jews are not supposed to get married in the Church.
What if they had a private ceremony? Are you going to judge an undefined relation between two Jews with the Latin Code of Canon Law? Beyond that, they don't look like a gay couple to me.More
Pope John-Paul II blessed everybody he met, he had no time to ask people to fill a form and Jews are not supposed to get married in the Church.

What if they had a private ceremony? Are you going to judge an undefined relation between two Jews with the Latin Code of Canon Law? Beyond that, they don't look like a gay couple to me.
Jan Joseph
Ja maar paus Franciscus heeft dit zelf besloten. Hij is dus ook verantwoordelijk voor de gevolgen.
Boanerges Boanerges
No one says he invented them, but he is trying to impose them over the Catholic Church. Even though the false prophet has no authority over the Catholic Church but many are foolishly pretending that he does and so they lead souls astray...