
Greek-Orthodox Allow Second [Adulterous] Marriage For Priests

The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate has decided to allow a second [adulterous] marriage for priests who were abandoned by their wives, GreekReporter.com (September 3). Widowed priests will also be allowed to marry again,

Each case will be examined "individually" by the bishop and also by the Patriarchate (individual case trick).

It is strange that the wedding ceremony for the second marriage of priests will not be identical to the marriage rite but hidden away as a private ceremony amongst close relatives only.

Until now the Greek Orthodox did ordain married men to the priesthood, but it did not allow priests to get married [again].

Patriarch Bartholomeos only heads a limited segment of Orthodoxy which has increasingly been modernized/corrupted under his leadership. He apes Pope Francis as much as he possibly can, emphasizing the environment and "social justice." Traditionally, when an Orthodox priest loses his wife, either by death or desertion, he typically is tonsured a monk. If the priest (or deacon) insists on re-marrying …More
Patriarch Bartholomeos only heads a limited segment of Orthodoxy which has increasingly been modernized/corrupted under his leadership. He apes Pope Francis as much as he possibly can, emphasizing the environment and "social justice." Traditionally, when an Orthodox priest loses his wife, either by death or desertion, he typically is tonsured a monk. If the priest (or deacon) insists on re-marrying he is then first laicized. This latest aberration of Bartholomeos is not the practice for the rest of Orthodoxy (i.e., Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, etc.) and once it is generally reported there will be protests.
Fr. Joseph
This is a canonical and disciplinary issue and not a dogmatic one. It's not the faith that is being changed. For example, could Roman Rite priests one day be permitted to marry before ordination...of course. Sacred Scripture asserts a bishop is to have one wife and that has been changed by canon law and discipline in the East.
Gloria.tv, please correct your article.
It is not the Synod of Orthodox Church of Greece, but the Ecumenical Patriarchate. All other Orthodox Churches (including that of Greece) opposed this when it was brought up at Panorthodox Council in 2016. I read Bartholomew is somewhat like Francis... a bit on the destructive side.
And why they are breaking their tradition now?
Francesco I
"dico autem vobis quia quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam nisi ob fornicationem et aliam duxerit mœchatur et qui dimissam duxerit mœchatur"
Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, 19 - Bíblia Católica Online
Isaiah 22:22 is partly missing in the Orthodox Bibles.
It is the main text to support that Christ preferred to stay with Jewish Tradition and elect a Prime Minister . In Jewish Tradition the Davidic Kingdom elected a Prime Minister who was given the keys to govern the Kingdom, and make laws electing other officials, whilst the King was absent from His lands.
Subsequently it was clear to the Disciples …More
Isaiah 22:22 is partly missing in the Orthodox Bibles.
It is the main text to support that Christ preferred to stay with Jewish Tradition and elect a Prime Minister . In Jewish Tradition the Davidic Kingdom elected a Prime Minister who was given the keys to govern the Kingdom, and make laws electing other officials, whilst the King was absent from His lands.

Subsequently it was clear to the Disciples that Our Lord quoted Isaiah 22:22 (the missing part in Orth. Bibles) when He chose Peter to be His PM in Matthew 16

For Scripture says that Christ is King of the House of David to be seated upon the Throne of David forever.
Here's the text...

Isaiah 22:22 Election of Chief Steward/Prime Minister of the King.
I will give him the glory of David and he shall rule and no one will oppose him. And I will lay the key of the house of David upon his shoulder: and he shall open, and none shall shut: and he shall shut, and none shall open. [23] And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure place, and he shall be for a throne of glory to the house of his father.

Compare with Christ's Prime Minister delegation in Matthew 16:18-19:

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19]And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.

Jesus sits on King David’s throne forever, and like other Kings before Him, He chose a Prime Minister.

Unfortunately, the original Septuagint text of Isaiah 22:22 is shrinking in many Orthodox Bibles.