Piotr Jacek
TIMES OF GAZA - Difficult scenes for the children injured in the lsraeli air attacks hitting Gaza Strip last night. Difficult scenes for the children injured in the lsraeli air attacks hitting Gaza …More
TIMES OF GAZA - Difficult scenes for the children injured in the lsraeli air attacks hitting Gaza Strip last night.
Difficult scenes for the children injured in the lsraeli air attacks hitting Gaza Strip last night. twitter.com/Timesofgaza/status/1718907654741872940
Lord give us men that fear God to stop this cruelty on children .Hate is the cause of war
Opera 369
Horrendous! And some people call it...."Holy Land".....?! Nothing 'holy' about it; just man-made inferno for civilians and gold mine for 'war promoters'!
OMG! The bone sticking out of that kids leg! 😱 God Have Mercy!